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Environment initiatives such as the cap and trade system are crucial to doing our part to protect the environment for future generations of Ontarians. Canceling such systems shows wanton disregard for our environment, our citizens, and our future economy.

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I want Ontario to put a price on pollution, making polluters pay for their emissions and returning the revenues to the pockets of Ontarians so they can lower their carbon footprint. We cannot continue on the path we are on now without devastating effects.

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We need some form of carbon pricing if we want to prevent future environmental damages from climate change. Carbon pricing is the only way to effectively reduce our emissions. Lire davantage

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No informed person denies that rapidly cutting fossil fuel consumption is necessary to prevent massive environmental disruption and enormous social costs. Lire davantage

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To the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to this important consultation on the future of Ontario’s climate plan. Lire davantage

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This is the dumbest possible bill... You are fighting the federal government on this, sacrificing the future of the planet, and it will cost the taxpayers huge amounts of money when companies who bought into this program sue the shit out of the provincial government. Lire davantage

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I voted PC in this election on the hopes of lower bills for myself. I am glad wasteful programs are being phased out. I sure hope the premier eases the restrictions on Greenbelt to allow more housing, which as i recall is completely under the Province's jurisdiction. Lire davantage

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We need to take concrete climate action to stave off an otherwise inevitable disaster. This proposal is absolutely the wrong thing to do and will make Ontarians suffer unnecessarily. Lire davantage

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Climate change is at a critical juncture. This is evident with the continuously increasing summer heat we have experienced, certainly given that it hit well into the 30s with the humidity this week, the second in October. Lire davantage

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Taking action against climate change is no longer optional. There is no person on earth that does not want clean water, air and the right to a healthy environment. Lire davantage

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The situation for our children is dire: we need to address climate change in order to keep the future open for them. Bill 4 is working against this. And so I am strongly against Bill 4. Please, please, reject the bill. Though I am not a Green party follower, I agree with their claims: Lire davantage

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I feel this is a very short sighted decision, there is nothing in place to replace the bill. This leaves Ontario with the federal regulation which does not flow money back into the economy in the same way. Lire davantage