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It is nothing less than asinine to cancel a project that will provide clean energy to the province of Ontario so close to completion at a massive penalty. This is throwing money down a hole, not saving it.

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I am a resident of Ontario and I do not support dismantling this project. It is financially and environmentally irresponsible to do so. The legislation should be reconsidered. Thank you.

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Not investing in renewable energy sources is short sighted. While Ontario may have adequate power supply at this time, there are still lots of gas power plants. The aging nuclear power plants also cannot be refurbished indefinitely and will be shut down eventually. Lire davantage

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Dismantling a renewable energy project when it is near completion is incredibly short-sighted and irresponsible. We should be investing more in wind and solar energy, not dismantling them.

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I am writing to oppose the Claire of the White Pines Wind Project. We can no longer pretend that fossil fuels are not ruining the planet and our ability to survive on it. Lire davantage

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The White Pines Wind Project should not be closed. This would be a colossal waste of time, money, and effort toward an important cause. I'm disappointed in this government for even considering this incredibly wasteful decision. The project should go on for the betterment of future generations.

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I object to the mothballing of the White Pines wind energy project (or in fact any wind energy project). Lire davantage

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Shutting down wind power projects is really dumb and short-sighted. Ontario should be continuing to grow our green energy sector, not terminating it. We should also stay in the Cap and Trade system with California and Quebec. Lire davantage

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Please do not close down this project. We need to get off fossil fuels, and the best way to do this is to invest in safe, renewable energy.

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The Province should be actively supporting ALL alternative energy projects, whether solar or wind (or something else).NIMBY is a poor excuse for ensuring we become sel-fsufficient in energy production. Lire davantage

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This initiative to close this project is a simplistic, knee-jerk reaction that is politically motivated and has no bearing in reality, ethical awareness or fiscal responsibility. Lire davantage

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Windmills provide clean and free energy, are cost efficient to operate and stop us from building new and very expensive gas-powered plants, which are not as environmentally friendly. Lire davantage

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The rest of the world is putting up windmills and we're taking down. This policy makes us look backwards and ridiculous. Please rethink it.

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I really think it a very unwise move on the part of the Ontario government to shut down an almost completed wind project. Fossil fuels are the fuels of the past and add to the degredation of our environment. Lire davantage

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The White Pines is a project to build nine wind turbines in Prince Edward County. Four of these turbines are already complete, with the remainder expected to be installed within the next few weeks and testing scheduled for the following month. Lire davantage

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I urge the Ontario government not to dismantle the White Pines Wind Project. This project, which is essentially already completed, will provide Ontario with carbon-neutral, environmentally-friendly electricity for generations to come. Lire davantage

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Ontario needs renewable energy for a multitude of reasons, not least of which is the ongoing threat of climate change, which only continues to grow as we pump carbon into the atmosphere. Lire davantage

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Great job, but you should state that it will have a positive effect on local business as they should be involved in dismantling.

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Please allow the White Pines Wind project to continue. This project is already underway, removing it is a waste of money, and we desperately need to move to renewable energy in order to survive into the future. Lire davantage