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I am very happy about this moratorium. It will help to make well founded decisions about our groundwater. And I hate the thought that I should pay companies to provide water to me that belongs to the public anyway.

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Please protect Ontario's bodies of water. We do not need plastic bottles and bottled water in most communities unless there is a water advisory. Please look to providing safe drinking water through more environmentally sound choices.

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Nestle should be denied 100%-they have no business draining our aquifer(s)and in the process creating single use plastic pollution.No to Nestle today,tomorrow,and forever.

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Ontario needs to have modern water taking policies that prioritize Ontario’s groundwater for communities and safeguards water quantity for generations to come. Water should not be bottled!

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I completely support extending the moratorium on new permits for water bottling, and I appreciate the government's responsiveness to significant and important community concern on this issue. Lire davantage

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Ontario needs to have modern water taking policies that prioritize Ontario’s groundwater for communities and safeguards water quantity and quality for future generations. Lire davantage

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The idea that we are giving away our water at the rate of pennies per litres to the wealthiest corporation in the world is horrific. If we are going to even consider allowing a select FEW companies have some water, we must charge far more money for this precious resource.

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I firmly suggest that we stop allowing international companies to extract water in the province of Ontario. So many communities have been prevented from growing due to being outbid by water bottling companies. Lire davantage

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I agree that the moratorium should be extended while a complete scientific report is obtained. In addition I find it offensive that Nestle's , that makes billions of dollars producing plastic waste is allowed to harvest our water at a much cheaper rate than most communities.

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I feel it is very important to limit water bottling permits in Ontario. One of our province's greatest resources is our water - and if we allow companies to bottle water for profit and sell it, it endangers not only ecological health and stability, but also our own supply of water. Lire davantage

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We realize the process isn’t over yet, but the extension means that Nestlé’s plans to expand its operations to the Middlebrook Well, near Elora, Ont., are on hold. It will also provide much-needed time for the government to consult the public on the results of the groundwater review and presents an Lire davantage

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I am thrilled you are extending the moratorium! Not only do I believe that taking "free" groundwater and profiting from it is wrong, I also believe we need to stop the unnecessary plastic waste that the bottles create. Lire davantage