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Please Do Not exempt provincial parks and conservation lands from the Environmental Assessment Act. The Province should lead by example and should participate in the EA Act.

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This is just an attempt to say you're "reducing red tape" but in reality you're just using the pandemic as a distraction and hoping people don't notice that you're removing any sort of oversight or regulatory restrictions on development. There is nothing good here at all.

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It seems unclear if industrial practices in parks will now be permitted, it is directly listed in the old EA Policy but not clearly stated in the updated one. Industrial practice should not be permitted (with exception of those Grandfathered In). Lire davantage

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The EAA should still be applied to projects within provincial parks and conservation areas. Preservation of as natural an area as possible should be the primary priority. Lire davantage

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I don’t agree with the government proposal to exempt the MECP from environmental assessments. The “50 year old” act may need updating, but not for this. Environmental assessments are crucial for evaluating the environmental repercussions of human actions. Lire davantage

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Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters

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Subject: ERO # 019-1804 Proposed exemption to the Environmental Assessment Act and a new policy under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act for projects in provincial parks and conservation reserves Lire davantage

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Please consider these comments with regard to the new Environmental Impact Assessment Policy proposed by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, and posted on the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO) via notice 019-1804. Lire davantage

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The COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 should have been posted for the required 30 days preferably more before being passed. Lire davantage

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It is absolutely unacceptable that the Ministry seeks to exempt itself from public comment or oversight when it comes to the management of parks, nature reserves, and conservation areas. There should always be oversight and public consultation no matter what. Lire davantage

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Moving forward with any project should require thorough environmental assement.. bill 197 is a joke and is an attack on Ontario citizens and the land...

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Proposed exemption to the Environmental Assessment Act and a new policy under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act for projects in provincial parks and conservation reserves - Comments ERO number 019-1804 Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks To: Cindy Batista Lire davantage