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This is not my area of expertise, by any means, but when I read that a company may already be emitting close to the maximum particles into the air...potentially cancer causing particles...I can’t help but feel facts, not estimates, are necessary. This is, after all, the very air we breathe. Lire davantage

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Very concerned about this proposal and how it would affect the health of the community. The fact that projected levels are on the high end of the scale is no guarantee that it would not exceed that. What are the risks of the emissions Lire davantage

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Why would we allow this to be approved? "unapproved, sources for all emissions"...scary. Bartek should not be approved to further pollute our city with added Noise and Air pollution!

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I leave near this place, whole area stinks because of them already. I go for runs and sometimes I can not breath, you can smell chemicals in the air, it hurts my lungs. Please do something about them, do not let them operate anymore.

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I am a concerned resident of the Stoney Creek area, within 4 km of the Bartek site. I believe that particulates should be monitored, not simply modeled, and that both the government and Bartek have a duty to reduce air pollution, not increase it, even within “allowable limits”. Lire davantage

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This proposal as it now stands is unacceptable and should not even be considered. The proximity of this plant to residential areas, as well as schools, recreational sports facilities, parks, should be reason enough to reject it. Lire davantage

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Considering the rapid residential growth in the area, the growth of young families, I find the idea of loosening emissions including carcinogens from this plant to be a non starter. As a 20+ year resident I was surprised to learn of the existing emissions from it. Lire davantage

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I am disgusted by this. In a time that we should be limiting the pollution and waste into our air, we are letting companies like these into our small towns. Lire davantage

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I am NOT in favour of making any type of increase in pollution or modification of current compliance regulations. Big business MUST figure a better way of production than to constantly bend the rules of practice to suit their needs.

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As a citizen of this community I think it is not at all acceptable that we would even consider allowing air pollution increase in any way. Our quality of air has improved greatly with Dofasco and Stelco slowing emissions. Lire davantage

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If there are environmental regulations set, how is this a good time to negate them? We're trying to move forward, not skirt around regulations to get things built. This is a time to innovate and work with regulations so we don't make our climate emergency worse.

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We need to be prudent and request actual emissions. With many residents living in close vicinity to this plant including many families we owe this to our children.

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As a resident of Stoney Creek this proposal should be denied based on the fact that reports do not include the actual levels of emission, but instead list the projected values. How do we know what is slowly killing us. Big business is worried about the bottom dollar instead of the lines affected. Lire davantage