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This environmental Guide for Noise should be only applied on the construction job sites, e.g. the locations where roads are repaired or built, it cannot be applied to the factories which supply material to construction jobs, e.g. Lire davantage

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This guide must include studies that will measure the physical and mental health of people on sensitive land uses, such as residential homes. These will be short- and long-term studies by an independent qualified company. Lire davantage

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As a professional engineer practicing environmental noise for the last 12 years I am pleased to see a shift away from STAMPSON to more modern traffic noise prediction models, such as TMN.

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Region of Peel

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Region of Peel staff appreciate the opportunity to review and comment on the Ministry of Transportation’s (MTO’s) updated Environmental Guide for Noise (ERO# 019-4176). Regional staff offer the following comments from the perspective of Transportation Environmental Assessments. Lire davantage

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HGC Engineering

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HGC Engineering has reviewed the draft of the Ministry of Transportation Environmental Guide for Noise 2021. The requirements for assessing noise as described in the document are clear and concise. Lire davantage