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NO, NO, and. ATHOUSAND NOs .. World is at risk. Has our Premier not been made aware that this is going to be bad got the environment? He’s too busy listening to his developer friends. STOP highway 413. More density in cities NOTmore cars and highways!

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I feel that there should be no reason to encroach on our greenbelt to build homes. There should be more thought put into using the land that we have available more effectively. Lire davantage

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I am writing to share my deep concern about the possible development of Ontario’s green belt. This green space is a vital part of Ontario’s sustainability in the face of climate change, of our natural heritage, and of our liveability. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt needs to be left alone! There are other ways of building AFFORDABLE housing options that do not involve taking away from these lands. The Greenbelt is for natiee, not housing

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It's unconscionable that you would even consider destroying ANY green spaces when every single study is telling us to preserve them due to climate change! Do you not care about the future of this country? Do you not care about our children? Money will not help you when you can't breathe. Lire davantage

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Green spaces are critical! Has it not been clear to you how important it is to maintain them? Does anyone in the government know what climate change is all about? Squandering our children's future? Instead of working to do something about it, you want to make it worse!

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I applaud this proposal. The housing crisis in the GTA comes down to supply constraints and the time it takes to get developments approved. Not only that but it looks to me like the land coming out is not environmentally sensitive, but rather cow pastures. Lire davantage

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literally WHY would you go through with this? theres plenty of unprotected land for housing development - AND building a bunch of suburbs with houses nobody can afford is not how you fix the housing crisis. bring back rent control instead and leave our green belt alone!

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Continued sprawl into the greenbelt is an absolutely unacceptable and unsustainable plan given the nature of the climate crisis. Especially given the fact that, across the areas in which the amendments are proposed, there is ample space for infill developments within existing city footprints. Lire davantage

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The continued attack by the Ford Conservative government on the Greenbelt and other important agricultural and natural spaces is shameful. They are making a claim that changes proposed are necessary for housing. This is not the kind of housing needed. Lire davantage

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Overall, I would suggest that the proposal to redesignate 7,400 acres of Greenbelt is a very, very bad idea. Eating up farmland is certainly easier than any other option. Lire davantage

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I’m a resident of Ontario and I do not support the destruction of the natural areas of the green belt to create housing. Instead, we need to be creating higher density housing within the Settlement Areas and Urban Areas already designated. Lire davantage

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I strongly believe this should not be passed. Solving a housing shortage by taking away green space and municipal governments ability to work with developers is not the answer. Lire davantage

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I am deeply opposed to the Ford government’s proposed changes to the Greenbelt. I believe that it is a knee-jerk reaction to the “potential” forecast of an increase in immigrant population. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible decision which I do not support at all. We need to be preserving green space instead of taking it away. There has to be other ways to solve the housing crisis than this lazy option which takes away precious land.

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This will cause the long lasting damage which our kids and their kids will have to live by. Doug ford once again didn't stick to his promise and helping rich get rich and poor face consequences which will be irreversible. We should not go ahead with this. Lire davantage

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Please do not proceed with this proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. We cannot afford to lose any more of Ontario's agricultural lands nor can we afford to destroy any more wildlife habit. Lire davantage