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While housing is important, protecting and maintaining as much green space as possible especially the spaces we have next to urban areas is even more important. Maintaining the greenbelt, and protecting it, is of the utmost importance for our present and the future.

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I am against this proposal. Instead of taking away precious green belt land, government should instead focus on creating more infrastructure that can connect non-greenbelt land to urban centers. This just seems like government is taking the easy route.

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The current atmosphere of hysteria around building houses is choked with bad thinking. The Federal government announced this year a 25% increase in the number of new immigrants to Canada. In 2021 a surprise relocation found a significant number of new residents opting to live in the Maritimes. Lire davantage

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I think that it is a horrendous idea to sacrifice precious greenbelt land for housing. In this day and age of environmental concerns it should not even be considered. We are ruining the future of our province and our the future of our children. Lire davantage

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I am strongly against the development of Ontario's green spaces to expand housing sprawl. It is deeply irresponsible to erode these types of areas in the face of climate change simply to line the pockets of developers. Build up, not out. Infill, not sprawl.

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This is ridiculous. More pandering by the Ford government. You said you wouldn’t touch the greenbelt and are now doubling back on that to sell out Ontario’s future to private companies much like the 407 deal. This absolutely shouldn’t happen. We do not need more urban sprawl. Lire davantage

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Why is this the best land to develop? Does it have something to do with the developers that own the land?

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Nothing makes me more ashamed of my province than seeing proposed plans such as this. Our protected land should remain protected. Simple as that. There is no reason we should be focusing so much on urban sprawl to solve the housing crisis, when we could solve the same issues with densification. Lire davantage

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It’s a GREEN belt, not a housing belt…can’t have forward thinking housing policy at the expense of green corridors essential for wildlife and recreational value. This proposal is so backwards compared to the direction we should be heading.

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I am disappointed in the shortsighted, naive and ignorant suggestion to reduce the protection of the Greenbelt for development. I understand very well that we need housing and affordable housing and populations are growing and all of those facts and arguments. Lire davantage

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This is a horrible idea! Leave the greenbelt alone. The existing greenbelt areas were chosen after extensive research and were selected due to their sensitivity and ecological importance. Many of these lands are on watersheds and preserve ecological habitats for wildlife. Lire davantage

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I urge Premier Ford to: Kill Bill 23 and uphold his promise to protect the Greenbelt – "The people have spoken. We won't touch the Greenbelt." Protect the Oak Ridges Moraine and Ontario's other natural heritage that are crucial to mitigate the effects of climate change. Lire davantage

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Good morning, I am commenting in order to state my strong objection to the removal of any land from the GTA's Green Belt as proposed and described according to ERO 019-6216. Lire davantage

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Since when government has a mandate to build affordable housing? As an elected goverment what are your proposals to improve on hospital wait times, power demand , school and road infrastructure with respect the land grabs proposed here ? Why cant we see the actual plan along side this ? Lire davantage