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I am so upset to see that there is a proposal to open development in our beautiful, rich and abundant greenbelt. I do not agree with this decision. I feel that the ontario government could choose to focus their(our) time, energy and money on something more pressing. Lire davantage

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Respectfully, are you out of your mind? This is a disgusting proposal and the Ford government should be ashamed of this. Our planet is dying. The conservatives are ruining this province - first our health care system, then our education system, and now this? Shame on you.

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All acreage included in the proposed amendment to the greenbelt should undergo vigorous environmental audits to protect our watershed that feeds the lakes and rivers in our region. Particularly non-farm land needs to undergo meticulous environmental assessments. Lire davantage

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The proposed development of parts of the greenbelt are extremely discouraging. Especially after promises from this government not to develop this vulnerable and crucial component of our environment just a few years ago Lire davantage

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Dear Doug Ford You are a liar, you are a promise breaker. You don't care about Ontario or it's people, you only care about your deep pockets and rich friends. NOBODY WANTS YOUR PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE GREENBELT Lire davantage

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As a resident of Ontario, I am adamantly against this proposed infringement of the green belt. This legislation would have devastating impacts on Ontario’s climate and on the lives of residents in a large surrounding area who already rely on over-taxed infrastructure. Lire davantage

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I 100% oppose the development of the greenbelt for profit. This area needs to be protected and should not be up for sale. It provides important habitat for wildlife and for the health of our province.

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I’m really disturbed by the lack of planning when it comes to housing in our province. Why is the only solution to break a promise that you, Doug Ford made to your constituents? Lire davantage

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Opening up the green belt is in itself the "logical" and misguided conclusion that has resulted of decades of inaction. The issue is not that we are running out of land to build future communities to support the Ontario economy. Lire davantage

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The Green Belt is fundamental to the ecosystems of Ontario and must not be touched by developers. Cities need to expand upwards not outwards to become more sustainable. Repurposing unused office buildings into high density, low income housing is the best solution for the people of Ontario. Lire davantage

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This is an embarrassing proposal for anyone that recognizes the science that climate change is happening. The results will be many more millions in taxpayer dollars in future recovery, compensation and relief efforts. Lire davantage

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This proposal is a terrible idea. Not only would it destroy the rapidly dwindling natural spaces in Canada but it wouldn't provide the necessary improvements to housing affordability and the housing crisis either. Lire davantage

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This goes against your platform in the campaign. You specifically said you would NOT touch the Greenbelt and here you are proposing to do just that. Why are you not held accountable like the rest of the citizens. Lire davantage

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We Must Protect the GreenBelt! I do not support this Ford conservative Governments decision to build and develop on the greenbelt. Do the right thing Dougie. Leave the Greenbelt alone!!

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I, as an indigenous person of Ontario, speak for the water, the birds, the land animals and water creatures. Handing over parts of this sacred tract of land is fundamentally flawed and disheartening. Lire davantage