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The greenbelt holds vital ecosystems and feeds into Lake Simcoe Canada's largest recreational lake. Doug Ford proposing to eliminate conservation authorities and build a highway and allow for development along the green belt shows his lack of skills to lead this province. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible plan. The Greenbelt was built for a reason and the Ford govenerment is jumping to this proposal without regard for the plethora of other options. Lire davantage

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We should be reworking office buildings and derelict lands rather than taking good land to build on? Also are you going to force these developers to only build affordable housing? If not I think we have another motive here.

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What you are doing to this province is shameful and immoral! I will actively speak against your administration and encourage as many people as possible on all my social media platforms to vote you out … you’re destroying our province for corporate greed …. Shame on you

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This is not the way to address the housing crisis and will only create more problems down the line with regards to climate change and its associated effects (warming and rising AC costs, more extreme weather that can cause casualties and property damage which costs home owners more, etc). Lire davantage

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I’m shocked that this proposal even exists. Purposely damaging some of the most important farmland and green space in the province is unfathomable to me. I wish I could see a premier in this province who sticks to his word. Lire davantage

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Doug ford promised to leave the greenbelt alone and now he lies and is destroying our province ! Stop voting for him! He's lies from the moment he's gotten in office! The world needs more Greenland and trees for us to live ! Stop killing us!

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The greenbelt should be protected at all costs. We don’t need more luxury homes and we don’t need another stupid highway. It’s time for Doug Ford to stop being a knob and fix the healthcare system with the money he’s been hoarding to build stuff we don’t need and leave the environment alone.

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Save the green belt. Conservation in Ontario should be a standard that government upholds with pride. Oh his is an opportunity to be a real leader for the protection of wildlife and the land. ford - don’t be a liar again!

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The decision to attempt to "build" in the Greenbelt is not a wise one. The instant it's started, it will be a slippery slope and a sharp decline in our country. Once it is started, it will not stop or slow down, causing irreparable damage that will never be undone. Lire davantage

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I think it is appalling that the Ford govt is looking to build within the protected green belt. There is too much to lose there and destroying habitats would be disastrous. This will be Fords legacy.

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I think this personifies Dougies ethics & morals. This does not benefit the average Ontarian, lines his buddies pockets, breaks campaign promises (but really what do those mean anyway). Sad thing is Ontarians gave him the power to do this.