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What we don't need right now is a government that cares nothing for the environment and the conservation of both animals and forestry. A purposal that will only get rich men richer and add more unaffordable housing. We need to be inventive and think of alternate living areas. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt should not be used for housing or any development purposes. Those ecosystems are fragile. Doug Ford made a promise in 2018 that he would protect the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is important for so many reasons. Do not reallocate this land, as it will have so many ecological and environmental impacts. Ford promised he would not do this, and that he had listened to the people. At this point his credibility is almost completely eroded.

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Absolutely not. I didnt have much faith in this government when it was elected however this was an election promise made. Destroying the greenbelt will not solve our housing crisis. We have proven that people can work remotely. We were forced to. Lire davantage

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I dont believe this is in the best interest of anyone EXCEPT the rich and havent we had enough of them dictating what goes on in this country. People are having a hard time affording housing as is. This is a waste of all resources and a giant waste of money. Lire davantage

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There is absolutely no reason to allow developers to destroy the protected land around the GTA. Please investigate repurposing empty office buildings into high-density housing for the people who actually need it.

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The green belt is important to the ecosystems in Ontario and the people wo live here.. As an Ontarian I do not support the PC governments proposed plan for the greenbelt land and future developments. Doug Ford and his government need to keep their promise and leave the greenbelt alone!

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We should NOT be taking space away from the greenbelt. This is protected land and opening it up for development means that the government will just find ways to take more and more land year are after year. Lire davantage

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As an Ontario citizen who cares about climate change and integrity I find it appalling that this government would attempt to backtrack on its promise not to develop the protected greenbelt and prioritize development and capitalism when our healthcare, social services, and education systems are colla Lire davantage

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This is absolutely terrible ecologically, and for our beautiful green belt. Doug ford needs to stop catering to his developer buddies and start actually treating this province and the people Like he works for them.

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The green belt should be protected at all costs. There should be nothing allowed to be built there ever. We need to keep this province beautiful including things like the green belt for generations to come.

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Please you can not do this to our beautiful green belt. This is such a beautiful place for all Canadians to enjoy not to mention it is home to so much wild life. Please please don’t build on it. This would be devastating to the environment. Lire davantage

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Please explain in a public forum why the same goverent that said we will not develop the greenbelt, is now proposing to develop the greenbelt? It seems that you have changed your minds and it must be explained why. This was a promise that you are now proposing to break.

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I fear for the future of this country. The environment is already dying faster than ever imagined. Please, please do not pass this legislation. This is not the answer to the current housing crisis. The last thing we need is more environmental destruction. Lire davantage