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Getting people into affordable housing is not done by building new on our green spaces. No one should support this. Do not take away green spaces on this planet. There are other solutions

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I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making. I am particularly concerned about the: Lire davantage

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No, absolutely do not do this. This will not solve the housing crisis, destroying this land is unconscionable. Why would you ever, ever let any organization ignore the clean water act? Why would you threaten this ecosystem? Do you understand how precious the Greenbelt's ecosystem is? Lire davantage

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These lands provide us with lots of local grown food that stimulates our economy and protects wildlife that has already been pushed so far off from there original habitat. This land needs to be protected at all costs and devolved for such terrible corporate greed. Lire davantage

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How will Doug Ford’s developer friends profit from this change? I am very skeptical that this is where housing is most needed, will be affordable to more than a very few, and the environmental impacts are negligible. We see you Doug Ford. and enough is enough.

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The GreenBelt is a precious asset for our future generations. It was correct to create it and it was correct for this government to promise to protect it. We elected you on that basis. This proposed change is wrong from every possible perspective. Develop cities more intensively. Lire davantage

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I am absolutely appalled that the Ontario government is proposing such devastating amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. Environmentally protected lands are crucial to our ecosystem and should never be touched for development. Do not remove lands from the Greenbelt Area. Lire davantage

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As a long time resident of Durham. I do not want the Ford government or any other entity to destroy this value land for more homes that the new generation cant even afford t purchase. We need green space to breathe STOP TAKING IT AWAY!!!

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There is no coming back from Bill 23. Ontarians rely on that land to keep food prices down, limit pollution and a million other things. Can this corrupt government please stop acting in their own interest and actually lead in the interest of the people.

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I feel very strongly that this is not the correct way to address the housing issue in Ontario. Our greenbelt should be preserved for future generations, and I do not see how developing the Greenbelt will solve our housing issues in the long term. Lire davantage

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Please do not use any of the greenbelt for housing development. You can develop up in existing cities and towns and I imagine there is a lot of other land that isn't designated as the greenbelt... Common now.

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I am very nervous about taking land out of the Green it should be a wide belt surrounding much of the GTA for water resources, fresh air, and recreation. Toronto and nearby communities are getting denser in population so the need for green space will only grow... Lire davantage

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We need to protect our protected lands. Politicians have no right to just develop lands that have been set aside for the environment. Now is the time to develop urban lands and look for alternative solutions to the housing crisis. Lire davantage