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Leave our green space alone! It is disappearing at an alarming rate and we can never get it back. Humans and animals need trees and natural/untouched in order to survive and yet we don't seem to care so long as it makes money for someone. Lire davantage

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Personally I think this is a horrible plan. Not only is this land protected for a reason (to protect the animals and wildlife that live there) but also the land is not stable enough to work with and it would cause more harm than good to try. Lire davantage

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Personally I think this is a horrible plan. Not only is this land protected for a reason (to protect the animals and wildlife that live there) but also the land is not stable enough to work with and it would cause more harm than good to try. Lire davantage

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Please stop paving over our food producing and animal protecting land. You promised not to do this. Now you are trying to do it. There are much better ways to deal with housing issues and even just building more houses doesn't guarantee that people will be able to afford them. Do not do this.

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I urge the Premier to: withdraw the plan to remove lands from the Greenbelt; get on with a meaningful Greenbelt expansion that reflects public input - repeatedly promised but never delivered by the Ford government; Lire davantage

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Ford promised to not touch these green areas that we need to protect! Global warming, deforestation and loss of wildlife is a worldwide problem and we must protect our natural ecosystem.

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This proposal is an example of the shortsightedness of the current policy makers. Protected lands are protected for a reason. We cannot continue to pave/build over our environment and expect to survive. Lire davantage

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Do not go forward with this bill - its shortsighted for the problems it is hoping to address, and will cause far more issues in the future for our environment and out communities. Please protect the Greenbelt and the wetlands. Please

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Please leave the green belt alone. I don’t understand how it can be touched when it has been deemed protected land. Our infrastructure cannot handle this amount of housing. Talk about creating an even more unhealthy environment taking away what little amount of trees we currently have. Lire davantage

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This does not address the real problem with housing in Ontario. Instead it gives unchecked power to housing developers, granting them permission to destroy protected lands. Our natural spaces are rapidly diminishing and Doug Ford said he would not touch the Green Belt. Lire davantage

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This plan creates a serious precedent to damaging the Greenbelt. I urge the premier and minister of environment to withdraw this plan. If there are to be changes to the Greenbelt, this must be done with much more public consultation than has been offered for this plan. The Greenbelt is a jewel. Lire davantage

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Mr. Ford, you said you would not touch the green belt, and that you would listen to Ontarians. Stop this plan right now. This is not okay. You clearly have no idea how devastating this would be to the environment. This is not how to solve the housing crisis. Do not touch the green belt. Lire davantage