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As a young adult looking to buy a first house, I understand the need for more housing. However, as a graduate from an Environmental Science program, I do not understand the need to remove green space from the Greenbelt to make this happen. Lire davantage

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I urge you to reconsider using protected land to build homes. The damage done today can never be undone . I support the allowances re-zone existing single family dwellings into multi-unit, we should not destroy ecosystems to do this. Lire davantage

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Please don’t build on the Greenbelt! Build up instead of out! Urban sprawl is not the solution to the housing crisis… it’s band-aiding a major issue with the state of the Ontario economy. Additionally, everytime a new build pops up claiming “affordable housing” it never IS affordable!! Lire davantage

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Please do not use any protected land to build on. We have enough space to build already. Vacant land and businesses can certainly be made mixed use and we can build up. Lire davantage

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Don't destroy the Greenbelt. It is important for wildlife, nature, and preventing floods. People's homes in and outside the Greenbelt will be vulnerable to impacts from developing on this land. Lire davantage

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This proposal should not go through. These areas were protected for a reason. The sprawl of towns and cities should be reduced and stop taking green land to build houses that the average 1st home buyer is not going to be able to afford. Lire davantage

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About 15 years ago in my urban planning course the Greenbelt was a case study and a win for regional environmental protection. How much of Ontario growth is related to natural population growth vs. Immigration policy? How many homes and units sit vacant in Ontario today? Lire davantage

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Absolutely NOTHING can replenish the Greenbelt area that you carve out and sell. Stat thinking about your grandchildren and what the world will be without green spaces. Stop lining your friends pockets at the Earth's expense. The Greenbelt was put in place to avoid just what you are doing. Lire davantage

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If one community must accept more greenbelt, which will prevent growth of tax base. Either the Provincial Government or the benefiting Municipality that is having lands removed from the greenbelt, shall pay the a percentage of its new tax base to the Municipalities loosing opportunities. Lire davantage

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Please do not use part of the green belt to build more houses. This is sacred and protected land. It will cause greater issues in the long run. There are other ways to build more houses, such as using other available land. Lire davantage

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Hello, As a concerned citizen of Toronto, I feel strongly in opposition of any new development on the green belt. I think it’s absurd that Ford is going back in his original promised that got him elected in the first place. Lire davantage

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This proposed amendment is unacceptable. There is more than enough room for intensification within current city boundaries. We do not need to eat into the green belt when we are facing a climate crisis. This amendment only serves wealthy developers who are capitalizing on land speculation. Lire davantage

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Our environment is far to valuable to be sacrificing it for a road that suspiciously benefits many rich conservative friends of our premier. We need to stop putting money before our environment.

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The Greenbelt is protected land and some of Ontario's most beautiful sights. Development on this land would endanger wildlife, and not serve to benefit anyone aside from a few developers and the very wealthy. Lire davantage

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I just want to express my huge disappointment in your government for deciding to take away our green space for housing. I believe 92% of Hamilton said they did not want this to happen. Lire davantage