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This should not be approved. The Greenbelt Plan was enacted to provide the following benefits to everyone living in Southern Ontario: It contains many of Canada’s most ecologically and hydrologically significant natural environments. These natural areas do the following for us: - clean the air Lire davantage

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Please do not give away valuable conservation lands, farm lands and greenbelts to just help a few private developers. Once you pave those, you cannot get them back. This is very short-sighted and will result in generations of ecological and natural disasters.

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The Greenbelt needs to be protected and preserved. We love in the most densely populated pet of the country. Residents need a green space with so much concrete surrounding them, especially with so much environmental challenges we are currently facing. Lire davantage

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This government promised that there would be no changes to green belt. Nature is an important part of health, both mentally and physically. This is not the answer to low housing, this only perpetuates a problem of creating more unaffordable housing driven by shareholders and investors. Lire davantage

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Dismantling the green belt is not an option. It was protected for a reason. The government should focus its efforts on vacant lands or undeveloped lands by the developer. Lire davantage

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Please leave the Greenbelt alone. Focus on developing public transit and other options that protect our remaining natural environment and work towards a more sustainable future. Pay attention to climate change. We are in trouble and these actions will only make things worse.

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I am deeply concerned about plans to rezone the green belt. While I appreciate the need for additional housing given the current shortage, the negative impact of building in the green belt is indisputable. Lire davantage

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Build in urban areas. We need to preserve the green space we have and think of innovative ways to make existing urban and suburban areas more functional and have higher capacities.

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I am extremely concerned about the short-sightedness of Bill 23, in particular the use of Conservation Authority and greenbelt lands for development. Given the climate crisis that we are facing, it is vital that we safeguard the biodiversity found in our protected lands. Lire davantage

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This is indeed a great and positive initiative to address the Housing crisis. I am by education, an Architect graduated in back home (Bangladesh) and worked as a Professional Architect for more than 15 years. Lire davantage

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I am extremely opposed to any type of development being made on top of the greenbelt. We are already at the point of environmental ruin and using protected land (that will most likely be prone to flooding) is not the way to go. Lire davantage

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I am horrified that—after promising to maintain the Greenbelt—the conservative government has decided to tear it apart for the benefit of a few developers. There is more than adequate land available and building in the outer suburbs will just increase sprawl not density. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt area should not be destroyed to accommodate housing. If the government is exchanging other land for greenbelt land, why do they need the greenbelt! Use the land that they offer in exchange

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The greenbelt should be reserved for farmland, greenspace, and natural habitat. It is a special land that is vital in growing healthy food and vegetables for the people of Ontario and beyond. It is also necessary for enjoyment of the outdoors for both humans and animals. Lire davantage

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I would like the GreenBelt to be protected to ensure the land is protected from development of residential and save it for conserving our biodiversity and agriculture fields. Our population is rising and we need land available for agriculture. Lire davantage