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The proposed amendments should not be approved. The amendments do not align with the goals of the Greenbelt plan, and they are not needed to fulfill the policy objectives of the More Homes Built Faster plan. Lire davantage

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This is wrong in so many levels. Protect nature and protect our future from suburban sprawl. There’s no reason to destroy these important ecosystems apart from a few landowners making money. We can build housing in already developed urban and industrial areas instead. Lire davantage

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Please don't do it. I have a 2.5 yo and the impact of our local environment by cutting into will affect her and her generation. Please save our land, we're moving forward like we know that climate change won't affect our region, but we don't know. Lire davantage

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I am strongly opposed to opening any part of the greenbelt for development. We have ample space outside of the greenbelt for development and densification in our beautiful province. There is no need to break apart the natural gem that is the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Allowing the green belt to be altered instead of added to during development intensification is evidence of shifting priorities where the environment no longer comes first. Lire davantage

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removing the greenbelt will not add to the greenbelt. Ford is single handedly destroying the vital green spaces in Ontario to pad his own pockets and the pockets of his developer friends. Lire davantage

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The purpose of the Greenbelt is simple: -Prevent further loss of farmland and natural heritage -Restrict urban sprawl -Work with the Growth Plan to develop vibrant communities where people can live, work, and play Lire davantage

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The proposal bleeds into protected land and will set a precedent for more development in the future. Not supportive of the plan. The long term impact is difficult to predict in both wild life and land.

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Population growth in Ontario is a given. More housing needs to be created. But creating single 2 million dollar homes in prime GreenBelt zone cannot be a housing strategy. If more homes need to be built, then low-density areas need to be converted to higher-density areas. Lire davantage

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I am deeply against this development of our green belt. It is a shortsighted cash grab from a corrupt government that not only is dismantling our healthcare and education but now it’s also proceeding with developing on environmentally sensitive land that should be protected not developed.

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These amendments a foolhardy and selfish on the part of Doug Ford, his government and his "friends." Do your job, not line your pockets. Leave a good legacy, not one where everyone thinks you're terrible. Care for the province, not just yourself.

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The Greenbelt should stay as protected land as was promised and should not be developed on. These changes are devastating and I have now lost all confidence in government and our municipalities. This is devastating. Lire davantage