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Not sure why, in a global climate masacre that we’re in, anyone would decide to impact a sensitive eco system. You can just remove one piece of it and slap on another piece elsewhere, it doesn’t work that way. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt should be preserved at all costs, even expanded, if possible. It is unacceptable to break your promise not to touch it. I strongly disagree with this proposal, as there are other places to create the housing we need. Lire davantage

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Please leave the Greenbelt alone. We have only one planet and for the sake of our children we cannot destroy it. The gains from developing this precious resource are extremely short term and only benefit the wealthy developers. We need to protect our Greenbelt and NOT develop on it! Lire davantage

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We need to build tall, not wide. Our animals are already struggling to survive. We need local food and spaces to grow it in to feel everyone. Build taller, more dense, infrastructure. Walkable places.

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The Preservation of Agricultural Lands Society

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THE PRESERVATION OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS SOCIETY Working to Protect the Best Farmlands in Canada since 1976 Comments re: Proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan (ERO 019-6216), Greenbelt Area boundary regulation (ERO 019-6217), and Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ERO 019-6218). Lire davantage

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I am extremely concerned by any plans to build over the Greenbelt. We are already not doing enough to combat climate change, it's bad enough that the government plans on making it worse by furthering urban sprawl and paving over the little green space we have left. Lire davantage

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The provincial government should be more concerned about building high-density multipurpose spaces rather than low-density suburban areas. Significantly less Greenbelt land would be used if the government prioritized building up instead of out. Lire davantage

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Please do not do this. There is plenty of land available elsewhere and adding more suburban sprawl to the GTHA without investing in trains (spending years widening highways as a short-term "solution" doesn't count) is not going to "get Ontario moving". Lire davantage

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In an era of climate change I don't feel confident that the development of said lands is in the province, the country or the world's best interests. We should increase environmental protection and restrictions on urban sprawl rather.

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Please do not allow the removal of this Greenbelt. We need to protect our farm lands & our wild areas. Canada has very limited farmland & we should not be building houses on it. We need to eat. Our wildlife is threatened from over development. We need to protect their wild spaces.

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Do not sacrifice this Greenbelt for your lobbyists gains. You aren't fooling anyone, we know you don't care about the environment or housing or anything but power. Please. Leave it alone. Lire davantage