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I am definitely changing my vote next election if this comes to pass. Ontario is one of the most incredible places on earth to live, if we don’t protect its natural beauty, our farmlands, our waterfront lands which everyone enjoys, there won’t be anything special left about our home. Lire davantage

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Developer from 2003 banked on being able to develop on the Greenbelt, but was unable to get it past the provincial parks. Now our current government is allowing this to take place. Article from CBC linked below. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to this. Allowing development of environmentally protected lands in the midst of a climate emergency is short-sighted, we should be re-zoning single family residential areas to provide "missing middle" housing. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible proposal. The greenbelt lands are not needed to meet our housing requirements. Leave them alone. With any kind of leadership that valued our natural environment, the proposal would not have been made. We need to protect, not eliminate, our irreplaceable natural environment. Lire davantage

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What is wrong with the Ford government, sacrificing the only farmland Ontario has to offer to permanently destroy the lands for some urban sprawl. Why don't they make denser, 3-4 storey buildings like Europe/Japan. It doesn't have to be condos OR single-family homes. Lire davantage

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Do not build on the greenbelt. Do not open it to wealthy developers. Shame on this government. Build up not out and be strategic. Everyone knows why ford would choose to make this poor decision. Shame on him and this conservative government.

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This is a short sighted plan that does not take the health of the greenbelt area. You can’t take land from all over and replace it with one portion somewhere else. Lire davantage

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Destroying pristine land for the few hurts the many. We need this land for food, and to help keep a balance between nature and human civilization. It is short sighted, and based on our own government reports, does not solve much of anything. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is one of Ontario’s southern remaining farmlands. Destroying our home in order to allow the development of urban sprawl for profit is an opportunity for developers to become even richer than they are from the housing crisis and does not address the problem of housing. Lire davantage

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You lied when you promised to keep the Greenbelt protected. Our Greenspace, our environment our land as Canadians. You are simply trying to line your pockets. Your actions are selfish, disgusting, irresponsible and irreversible. Housing crisis?? Nonsense. 1- Build up don't sprawl. Lire davantage

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I do not support the proposed changes to our Greenbelt. We are in the midst of a global climate crisis, and further destroying our environment is not what we should be doing. Lire davantage