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Our Greenbelt is protected for the future health and well-being of Ontario’s citizenry. Under no circumstances should it be destroyed in order to accommodate development which can easily be built elsewhere in a less fragile and precarious and necessary environment. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford's proposed development of the Greenbelt is unnecessary and harmful. The Greenbelt exists to protect water systems, farmland, and natural ecosystems, and there is no reason to halt this preservation now. Lire davantage

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The vision of the Greenbelt plan was to have a broad band of permanently protected land which: • Protects against the loss and fragmentation of the agricultural land base and supports agriculture as the predominant land use; Lire davantage

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Besides the fact that this change was something Doug Ford swore not to do when he was caught trying to sell the Greenbelt to his developer supporters the first time around, this measure is worthless to everyone except the 1% who seek to pave the Greenbelt for their own selfish, greedy purposes. Lire davantage

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I oppose amendments to the Greenbelt Plan that allow for the removal of lands for housing development. Removing lands from protected areas is not the solution to building more homes. Lire davantage

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Passing of Bill 23 will have serious impacts on Municipalities and Tax Payers: In spite of a unilateral request for a pause by all Big City Mayors across the GTHA and AMO (Association of Municipalities Ontario)it was adopted Serious Impacts: Lire davantage

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I realize many will be upset that with the proposed changes the Ford government is prioritizing short term profits for developers over even the appearance of concern for the environment, our children’s future, or sensible planning. Lire davantage

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Environmental Sensitivities Coalition of Canada

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Bill 23 is a huge overreach of provincial legislation. It should not be allowed to exist. It threatens wetlands, animal habitats and endangered species. Taking pollution out as a reason to not develop an area is dangerous and ignores future populations. Lire davantage

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I believe that the amendments to the Greenbelt Plan will require further review that incorporates input from experts and leaders within the architecture, urban planning, and development industries as well as greater collaboration with municipal and the Ontario government to produce legislation that Lire davantage

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We must hold our Municipal conservative government, and Federal government accountable. The consequence of the proposed amendment to open up the Greenbelt to development is far-reaching, unchangeable, and designed to create the reasoning behind even more development, highway 413, etc. Lire davantage

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Quinte Field Naturalists

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We are strongly opposed to the Ontario Government’s proposal to remove 7,400 acres of land from the Greenbelt. The rationale for this removal of land and the changing of the boundaries is unsound and detrimental to farmland & ecosystems. Lire davantage

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The Ontario government must consult with First Nations and in the spirit of the Truth and Reconciliation’s report, respect Indigenous rights, and not make "unilateral administrative changes" without appropriate consultations.

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Repeal Bill 23. It’s harmful to the environment, will increase municipal taxes making housing even less affordable than it already is and it will destroy precious farmland required to grow food. Bill 23 is not the answer! We need more intensification and more in-fill building. Lire davantage

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I believe that it is essential that we continue to protect the Greenbelt for now and for future generations. The current plan by the Ford government is highly suspicious, with stories in the media showing that it is friends and donors of Doug Ford who are set to profit from this proposal. Lire davantage

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I would like to know if there were scientists and environmental experts consulted on these proposals. As far as I’m concerned, this should not be up to the government or the public. Lire davantage