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As a concerned life-long citizen of Ontario and an avid lover of nature I am highly against the current and any future proposals to develop the Greenbelt for anything other than a natural environment. Lire davantage

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This family is 100% against the removal of land from the green belt in order to provide areas of development. This land must be maintained for agriculture, wildlife, environmental protection and people's recreation. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt was protected for a reason. If any government can simply redefine protected areas for its own temporary political benefit, then no area is really protected. Lire davantage

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I am sure that many others will comment on the negative environmental effects building within the greenbelt will have on cities, towns, and our rural areas surrounding these areas that will be open for development. I would share the same concerns as those. Lire davantage

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Re-zoning and/or compromising Greenbelt lands, or any other properties zoned by virtue of the appropriate expertise, is far from the best solution to the housing issues we are facing. Lire davantage

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LEAVE THE CURRENT GREENBELT ALONE!!! You have repeatedly lied to Ontario voters saying you would NOT touch the Greenbelt. So...DON'T!!! It's that simple. Voters know why you're now wanting to dish up this environmentally sensitive land. And it's NOT to build more homes faster. Nope. Lire davantage

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Bad, bad, bad idea! The greenbelt was created because of urban sprawl and the disappearance of some of the best farmland in Ontario. An since it's creation, we have learned how important it is for the protection of the climate as well. Lire davantage

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It is important to address the housing crisis; however, building housing at the cost of important natural areas will permanently cause drastic declines in our province's biodiversity affecting the people of this province's finances and wellbeing. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to any changes to the existing greenbelt in Ontario and deeply disappointed that Mr. Ford is reneging on his campaigning commitment to upholding and protecting the precious green belt lands. Lire davantage

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I am strongly against this proposal. The greenbelt is important for mitigating the impacts of climate change. We need to preserve our green spaces. This proposal will also contribute to further sprawl. We need more mixed use residential dwellings and higher density in our major cities. Lire davantage

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Please do not remove land in 15 different areas from the Greenbelt. This solution does not even make sense. Who does this benefit? Wealthy developers who are Progressive Conservative donors? Ford should be making decisions that are best for all people in Ontario not just his elite supporters.

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I am disheartened to see Premier Ford once again going for the easy answer with the best optics for people who don't read deeper. There are plenty of ways to increase housing without going into the Greenbelt and setting the precedent. You cannot cut out chunk A and replace it with Chunk B. Lire davantage

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The existing greenbelt, as originally defined, should not be touched. Much of the impact of development of land is not understood in the big picture, in longer timelines. Climate change is real and has already impacted areas of Ontario with lower water tables. Lire davantage