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After reviewing the available public consultation materials, in my opinion there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that these amendments represent a net positive to the environment or public. Lire davantage

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I am extremely outraged, disappointed and saddened, but not surprised, by this recent move by the Ford government to trump rights and democratic voices, and go back on promises that were made to the public about the Ontario Greenbelt lands in favor of cronyism and developer profit. Lire davantage

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We can not continue to eat up our precious resources. Do you not understand that there are living beings that already occupy the wetlands? We don't need more land to build on. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is one of the most precious assets in Ontario. The enrichment it brings, both in terms of natural environments and agricultural land cannot be overstated. Lire davantage

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I am a young professional starting out my career, as well as saving for a house. This proposal, "Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan " is absolutely asinine. It is a greedy push for Doug Ford to get his payout from housing developers. Lire davantage

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This proposed plan has been clearly created to benefit only the developers who purchased these plots of land with the intention of having the Greenbelt protections be stripped away so they can make profits. Lire davantage

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Sad that this change is even on the table. Promises of No Touching The Greenbelt are worthless, i would suggest like those who make them. SHAME ON THEM, truly hoping they come to their senses and realize that once it's gone there is no turning back. PLEASE SAVE OUR GREENBELT AS IS

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The greenbelt as it stands is a once in a life time creation. Taking any of it away would be as short sighted as developing central park instead of building density around it. We should be adding to its size every year, not taking from it at any time. Lire davantage

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This bill greatly concerns me as a lifetime resident of Ontario. As the Narwhal and Toronto Star's recent investigations have shown, it is tantamount to legislated corruption in the open to benefit Conservative donors. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible idea. We need to preserve and protect our Greenbelt. There is plenty of land elsewhere that can be used for development I.e. Mississauga. Why do we need to lose this precious land?

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I think it is disgusting that the Ontario government is proposing these changes to the Greenbelt. I live in Durham region. I drive by the proposed removal of land in Ajax along the 401 and have often admired the deer standing in that space. Lire davantage