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I am a Canadian Citizen and resident of Ontario who is very troubled and concerned about the Ford Government's proposal to use 7400 acres of protected Greenbelt land to build 50,000 homes. Lire davantage

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Have we looked at other ideas like taxing second homes/income properties? The green belt is an important part of the region and provides refuge for wildlife. It seems like no one cares and this is all about making money for friends by selling land and building houses. Let’s think this through.

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This incursion into the greenbelt is awful. We need to protect the source of our water. Instead, this is a (quite possibly illegal) graft to turn protected lands into a handout to Doug Ford's cronies. We cannot afford for this to happen.

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Hamilton asked and voted on infilling to create more housing while protecting our Greenspace. Anything else is a dictatorship and highly suspect. More individual condos and single family homes are not conducive to areas where rent and the cost of living is so inflated. Lire davantage

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I can’t believe I voted PC. This is the most underhanded and unprecedented betrayal of your voters confidence in your promises that have ever been made. I will never vote PC again, not municipally, not provincially and not federally. Thanks for nothing Doug.

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Please keep your promise of not encroaching the green belt premier Doug ford. Don’t go back on your words. Don’t be a liar. We need more not less green space. Our planet is dying.

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I am a resident of Ontario and a concerned citizen. I am very concerned about the Ford Government's proposal to use 7400 acres of protected Greenbelt land to build 50,000 homes. Lire davantage

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These 50000 homes will not do anything for helping the housing shortage. We need entry level homes not multi million dollar homes that only benefit the builders. The same builders who were told they would be opening the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford specifically promised not to touch the greenbelt. Now he's letting developers use the land? And they just happen to be PC party contributors? Not a coincidence, let's be honest. Honesty is hardly one of Doug's strong points.

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I am deeply disappointed that the government is considering removing valuable farm land from green belt protection. We saw in the early days of Covid how countries, including our large neighbour to the south, became protectionist. Lire davantage

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Please use scientific assessments to base decisions regarding sensitive Greenbelt lands. The housing and development crisis will not be solved by building more urban sprawl. In fact that will only worsen the problem. Lire davantage

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One and five species in Canada is at risk for extinction. This is because areas like the Greenbelt are not being protected adequately. Please don’t contribute to the further decimation of our planet.

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My family and I do not agree that the opening of the Greenbelt for subdivisions. Ontario does not need more millions dollar houses, we need affordable and transit accessible housing. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford promised that “we won’t touch the Greenbelt.” That was his mandate. The Progressive Conservative government has shown that they lied to Ontario voters. Lire davantage

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Please do not remove lands from the Greenbelt. There does not seem to be appropriate consultation. Adding more land to support Ecological systems makes sense. Protect our farmland, protect out wetlands. Lire davantage

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I 100% disagree with the amendments. As a constituent and a voter, I do not want to see these changes go into effect. These amendments are short-sighted and serve to benefit only a small few while ruining precious ecological lands that cannot be replaced. Lire davantage