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This is so clearly a cash grab for developers. The affordability of housing crisis is not going to be solved by destroying environmentally protected areas to benefit a few wealthy individuals. We need long term sustainable solutions, this is shameful.

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We need the greenbelt to save the way of living for many Ontario residents so that we don't become a victim of capitalization and ignore the environment that helps us breathe well.

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I strongly disagree with allowing development of Ontario’s Greenbelt. Such irreversible development will be detrimental to nature and food security, and will increase traffic, congestion and pollution in these environmentally important areas. Lire davantage

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The farmlands and wetlands of this province are crucial to our survival. Developing these lands for whatever purpose is suicide. What justification can there be for diminishing our capacity to feed ourselves and maintain the eco system. Lire davantage

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I am extremely disappointed that the Ford government has decided to go back on their word and make changes to the Greenbelt. This decision will have a deep and lasting on what green spaces are left in southern Ontario. Lire davantage

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I am not involved in municipal planning, so I have no credible expertise in this area. I am very concerned (in fact pretty positive) that this step will set a precedence to systematically continue to remove these lands. Lire davantage

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Ontario Greenbelt is important to local, national and world communities. I support protecting existing greenbelt as natural, green spaces for recreation, animal habitats and clean water and air. No to housing on greenbelt land. No to higher municipal taxes. Yes to densification. Lire davantage

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I live in the Greenbelt and this proposal is absolute garbage. It will not lead to affordable homes for people; it will simply help make the developers who contribute to the Conservative party richer. A promise is a promise. Lire davantage

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I missed my opportunity to comment on Bill 23 but I oppose removing CAs ability to enter into agreements and commenting services for municipalities under prescribed Acts and removing established test for considering the effects of pollution and conservation as key principles for permitting decisions Lire davantage

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Seems like a ‘smash and grab’ exercise. Build all these buildings, quickly, get all your developer friends in your pocket, and then in 20 years when things start to fall apart, Doug Ford won’t care…..he’ll be long gone. Any way you look at it, the taxpayer is getting the gouge here. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford has lied over and over saying that he will protect the greenbelt because that’s what the public wanted. Yet he’s paving over it for condos & McMansions for his rich developer buddies. Lire davantage

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This omnibus bill is wrong for many reasons and should be changed/repealed, including laws that will strongly affect the Greenbelt. Premier Ford and Minister Clark have promised many times to never to touch the Greenbelt, for good reason. Lire davantage

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Stop destroying our Greenbelt. You are on the wrong side of history here, and will be put to task for generations to come as the government who killed our foodland and clean drink water filtration system.

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I absolutely cannot support building in the green belt. There is plenty of existing land on which to build, especially if zoning allows for mixed use, and higher than single family home development. The green belt is incredibly important as farm land, which cannot be restored once it is built upon. Lire davantage

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This plan is ill-conceived and places undue pressure on our already fragile environment. We need to preserve the Green Belt in its entirety. The proposed plans contribute to urban sprawl and do not effectively add enough housing to compensate for the environmental loss. Lire davantage