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Funny how the government rams climate change and environment problems do our throats but Willy hilly destroys good farm for so called affordable housing of which there is no such thing and with no consideration about infrastructure such as roads water and the lack of medical care such as Brantford w Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt needs to stay intact. It is important to Ontarians. This was a promise made by Ford and it must be kept. If you want to add lands to the Greenbelt then do it, but none should be subtracted. Lire davantage

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I absolutely do not and will never support building homes or any commercial developments on protected Greenland space. It is crucial that all this Greenbelt land stays protected for all of the different species of animals, insects, birds, vegetation. It literally is protected space. Lire davantage

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No to opening the Greenbelt for development! That’s ontarios sacred green land where a good portion of agriculture is grown for Ontario and the Greenbelt helps fight climate change. It needs to remain protected

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I am totally opposed to this Bill. Not only is it horrible for the environment, the fact that EVERY municipality will struggle to find services for the people who live there is appalling. Increases in property taxes in the amounts needed is not viable for homeowners. Lire davantage

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Please find other locations. Listen to the municipalities. Many are openly stating that there are other areas of their communities where housing can still be built. Lire davantage

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I do not support further damage to the greenbelt. This land needs to be protected to help limit continued detrimental climate change, protect greenspace and access to nature, and to promote reconciliation. Lire davantage

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Bill 23 doesn't help address the housing crisis and affordability as it has been explained by all actors in various sectors, including the Ontario Housing Affordability Taskforce. No land in the greenbelt is needed for that and housing is needed in cities, not the countryside. Lire davantage

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We are deeply troubled by Bill 23 and the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. Many of the Ontario government’s actions can only be described as undemocratic, as there is no mandate for these sweeping reforms. Lire davantage

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You can’t keep moving the goal posts and swapping one area for another. This becomes a joke and not a serious protection of our precious farmland, food supply, wetlands and unique special areas. This is our food supply which will be even more important as our population grows. Lire davantage