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As a resident of Whitby, Ontario, I am opposed to the proposed amendment to the greenbelt plan. Urban sprawl should happen elsewhere. Sustainability and ecological sound decisions by preserving green space is necessary. Sincerely, L. Mackinnon

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This is unconscionable in a time when we face an escalating climate crisis. We need all the green spaces left. We need to be expanding our green spaces, not cutting them and bulldozing them clear. Lire davantage

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I do not agree with this at all. The economic benefits of a few cannot be held above the need for this land to remain protected. The fact that this is even being brought forth is absurd. We, as a society, must make choices that are the best for our ecological future. This is not that.

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The greenbelt is important agriculturally sensitive land that we cannot replace and should not be developed on. I live in Stouffville and I am not interested in this and DO NOT SUPPORT THE REMOVAL OF ANY LAND FROM THE GREENBELT

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A mega-highway and housing development through southern Ontario’s Greenbelt will destroy forests and wetlands and imperil precious farmland. These are paramount to the health of the people and ecosystems of Ontario. Lire davantage

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Farmlands, wetlands and greenbelt are worth conserving. They are GOLD. If they are used for housing, It will be no return. Once gone, it's gone. Doug ford You are so selfish and only care about your own self interest Doug Ford Do not touch the greenbelt Lire davantage

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I have numerous concerns with this proposed legislation. The first being that the Premier said during the election that he would not open the Greenbelt for development. He is breaking his word, which is shameful. Lire davantage

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Comments on Proposed Amendments to Greenbelt Plan On behalf of the Ajax Community Builders Group, we would like to provide the following comments on the Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan: Lire davantage

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I am a former title searcher and conveyancer. As such, I have watched far too many hectares of arable land disappear under brick, cement and asphalt while the need for precisely that land increases by its new occupants. But it is not the farmers who get rich off this. Lire davantage

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What an absolutely awful idea. I will never vote conservative if this happens. The Greenbelt has developed into an important part of the ecosystem and you can't just 'plunk down' a new area of land in place of what you take and hope that it all works out.

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I can not believe this is even being considered. Our government is stuck in a different age to think that disturbing the greenbelt to create housing is practical or profitable. This is just a debt for my children's future. Short term gain for long term pain. Lire davantage