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Things are working how they are currently. Adding an additional highway will add more travel, more pollution (through the cars and through construction, which will not be quick), and definitely more cars. Rather, cities should invest this money into other areas such as public transportation.

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I cannot understand why the province is going ahead with bill, when, according to its own Housing Affordability Task Force there is no shortage of land within existing municipal boundaries. Lire davantage

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A lot of consultation went into developing the Greenbelt. Please keep your promise to not develop the Greenbelt. There is enough land within municipal areas to build the required housing!

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NO!!! LEAVE THE GREENBELT ALONE!! The PC party and their leader Doug Ford explicitly said he would not touch the greenbelt. With this bill it shows what a liar he is. The greenbelt is sacred. Ontarians do not want it to be built on. Stop! Stop! Stop!

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The Greenbelt was created to protect certain landscapes and watersheds from just this sort of proposed damage and destruction. Fundamental questions need to be asked and answered, such as: Lire davantage

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I oppose this proposal. Many established and new residents in the Grimsby area cherish the rural feeling of our region and value the richness of our land. Sacrificing both for more homes would be a travesty. Why not build in less fertile regions? Lire davantage

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Shame on all you! This bill shouldn’t be put fourth. Besides destroying the environment, I don’t want to pay for any or all costs involved in your crocked deals. This is our Greenbelt, not yours to sell. Go grift somewhere else. Lire davantage

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We need farmland to survive. The pandemic showed us how important it is to produce what we need. We need food, and wetlands to clean our water and protect against flooding and to provide us with the most effective antidepressant in my experience - a peaceful nature experience. Lire davantage

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The Ontario Government's reneging on its previous promise to not touch the Greenbelt falls in line with the underhanded and devious methods it used to circumvent environmental safeguards for our wetlands, biodiversity and flood mitigation plans. Lire davantage

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I am incredibly alarmed, disappointed, and upset about bill 23 because: •affordable housing needs to be built in urban areas near jobs and public transit, not in green belt areas •the housing that will be built in the green belt land will not be affordable housing Lire davantage

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What a bunch of smoke and mirrors. You can’t just keep pushing the green belt out, creating massive environmental impacts and then act like because it’s more, it’s better. More does not equal better!!! Lire davantage