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I believe that the Greenbelt is and should be protected. Housing will always be required today and for years to come, whittling away pieces of the greenbelt today sets a precedent that this is would be normalized for the future.

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The Greenbelt is protected for a reason. If it is swapped out, what stops it happening again and soon all the Greenbelt will disappear. Hands off! We will never get our green space back once it is developed

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I don NOT support any aspect of this legislation. There are many options for expanding the housing stock without infringing on this land. This part of Ontario is crucial for agricultural sustainability and the environmental cost the ensuing sprawl is staggering. Lire davantage

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Hi, Please cease all plans to develop in Ontario’s green belt. Developing on any of it puts the entire green belt at risk. It’s unnecessary to use that land when undeveloped land already exists within the GTA region. Protect the world’s largest green belt from capitalistic greed. Lire davantage

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I believe that highway 413 would make issues worse in a number of ways such as impacting wildlife and health. "If highway 413 is built, it could lead to 17.4 million extra tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles by 2050" (McGillivray, 2021). Lire davantage

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Stop the sprawl already! Do some planning! Look to the future! There's got to be some politicians and developers with some ethics out there--change your hearts! Very little about really living has to do with profit! Where's the love?

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Doug Ford sold out Ontarians to enrich his donors. This consultation process is a sham because it won't stop him from destroying our environment, regardless of all the evidence showing why this is a abhorrent idea.

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I am appalled that the government of Ontario has illegally sold parcels of land to their developer friends instead of protecting our greenbelt. This needs to be investigated. And to have the nerve to remove developer charges and put the cost of infrastructure onto the city's. Lire davantage

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Urban development plans are already in place to intensify current residential zones. We don't need to use greenbelt lands. This is not going to reduce the housing crisis. UN reports already outline that many species in the greenbelts are at risk. Lire davantage

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Please listen to the Auditor General's recent report recommending a review of the Province's storm water management program!!!! Responsible management of wetlands and water systems are essential as we deal with the coming weather events climate change is bringing. Lire davantage

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Bill 23 must be scrapped. This bill, supposedly aimed at building affordable housing faster, will do no such thing. If housing is to be affordable then homes need to be accessible to affordable public transportation, near services and work, and economical to heat and maintain. Lire davantage

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I'm incredibly disappointed that the Ontario government believes that this is the right solution to the housing crisis. Our solutions to immediate, pressing problems should not require us to endanger ourselves in the long run, especially when many other solutions are viable. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to the proposed changes to the Greenbelt Act. Building on floodplanes is damaging to the environment as it impacts ground water and established natural areas as well as interfering with wildlife. Such a move is reckless and impacts future generations as well. Lire davantage

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I am concerned that the proposed changes to the Greenbelt will have a negative impact on future generations. There are many factors causing hardships in the world today, but a very pressing one is the climate crisis which is expected to worsen. Ontario must be prepared or there may be consequences. Lire davantage