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It’s time Doug ford and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing do their job. Their job is not to wreck Ontario’s green spaces. Their job is not to make housing developers lots of money. The current proposal to alter the green belt is thief. Lire davantage

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This is a horrifying movement backwards for us. These ecosystems are essential for the wellbeing of our province. Not only that but our children need access to greenspaces that are not centered in a city. Lire davantage

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I am a proud citizen of Hamilton Ontario and a nature enthusiast. I enjoy hiking the approximately 10,000 km of trails in the green belt. I also understand the realistic pressures of housing in the GTA. Lire davantage

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Why does this need to be on the green belt? Why can’t we save this precious land, in the midst of all our world’s increasing climate crises, and build elsewhere? I endorse more homes built - we have a housing crisis - but why here? Lire davantage

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Greenbelt areas are very important for our environment and especially us. I feel people sometimes forget that they need the trees and the green to breathe and survive as well as let this planet exist, only when they survive and this planet exists they can use things available. Lire davantage

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This area of land needs to be protected - for ecological and agricultural importance. Ontario needs to sustain and grow our own food sources and this land is some of the most valuable in that respect. How are we going to feed the increased population of people? Lire davantage

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It is absolutely disgusting what the Ford government has planned for the Greenbelt. We should be preserving it at all costs and instead, he is backing down from his promise not to touch it. Lire davantage

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The point of the green belt is to maintain Ontario's nature and to keep urban sprawl in check. The increase in urban sprawl on the edges of the GTA does not help the affordability and livability in terms of housing. Lire davantage

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The decision to develop areas of the Green Belt is incredibly short-sighted. Ontarians need more housing, but we need more AFFORDABLE housing - when is the last time you saw a new build home in this province that would be affordable to the majority of people? Lire davantage

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This amendment by Doug Ford and his government is deeply disappointing . These green spaces are paramount to the well being of humans ,climate and wildlife . Surely there is no need to rush this we can find better ways to help with the lack of homes in Ontario. Lire davantage

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I believe that the proposed changes to the Greenbelt Plan there would bring about adverse effects on wildlife and housing for individuals who need it most. There needs to be input from stakeholders at the greatest risk, this means the people living in the areas near where will be affected.

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We must not pave over any more of the fertile land of our province. The results will be devastating, and it's so unnecessary. This must be reconsidered. Don't you have descendents? Our stewardship is vital for their fuure.