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Mr. Premier you promised not to touch the Greenbelt, and now you are helping your billionaire friends. Do the right thing and think about future generations. Be the on the right side of history.

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Hello, I am a longtime rural resident residing in the Town of Erin, basically a rural Township. I was a long-time supporter of the Conservative Party of Ontario. But under the leadership(?) of Doug Ford, I cannot be and am not a staunch supporter of his leadership. Lire davantage

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As stated in the Greenbelt Act, the Greenbelt “Gives permanent protection to the natural heritage and water resource systems that sustain ecological and human health and that form the environmental framework around which major urbanization in south-central Ontario will be organized.” (1) The Greenbe Lire davantage

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I live in the worst flooded area in the GTA, Rockcliffe-Smythe. A flooding mitigation plan for Black Creek has been in the works since abt 2012 or longer. The current plans from the TRCA are not fully funded and the Provincial government has not committed any funding for this project. Lire davantage

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I intensely oppose bill 23. Ford promised not to touch the green belt. This is a violation of our earth and our democracy. We will protest and resist every step of the way. Hands off the green belt you monsters.

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Please keep your hands off our planet's future. How dare you break a promise like this to your electorate? You have ZERO mandate to do this, you weren't elected by a majority of the Province, and you lied to those who did. Lire davantage

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This would set a precedence for future development, so I’m definitely opposed. The millions of real estate dollars involved also makes it appear the environment will ultimately pay the price….again. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow development on our Greenbelt. We have lots of developable land in Ontario. We do not have to go after our Greenbelt. Please do not affect the environment that will surround our future generations. Lire davantage

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Government is best advised to look at underutilized areas in and around Ontario outside of the green belt. Building homes on the green belt will destroy habitats and will further lead to species loss, especially for those endangered or threatened. Lire davantage