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These plans will have a devastating impact upon every aspect of the environment, to animal life, to farming and our food resources and costs, not to mention the increase on our taxes needed to fund all of this sprawl. Lire davantage

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I am appalled by the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt plan. There is ample land already approved for development in the vicinity of the Greenbelt. The government should be trying to get developers to build on this land that is already approved, not reducing the amount of protected land.

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The proposed changes to the Greenbelt show how unserious the current government is about the environment, how little they think of Ontario’s citizens, and how recklessly they make choices about the future. Lire davantage

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There is no way the greenbelt can be "moved" let alone in that short a period of time. There is plenty of room for expansion of homes WITHOUT compromising the greenbelt. There has never been a greenbelt "proposal" that has worked. You cannot rewire wildlife to understand their home has moved. Lire davantage

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Ford and Clark, YOU LIED TO US. You squeezed in another term based on lies about NEVER touching the Greenbelt, and here you are going back on your word. The Greenbelt, wetlands, environmentally protected lands, wildlife and Oak Ridges Moraine are not yours to touch!!! Lire davantage

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I have many questions that I would like to hear answers on: What is the point of having a greenbelt, if the plan is to develop it whenever we feel like it? I thought the long range plan to deal with population growth was to build up not out? Why has this changed? Lire davantage

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Please backtrack on the proposed development on the Greenbelt. It will cause damage that cannot be undone. There is no question there is a housing crisis, but this is not the answer. If the current government was transparent, they would admit that housing is not their concern. Money is. Lire davantage

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Houses going up in the greenbelt will not be "affordable" housing, but yet more sprawling subdivisions without walkable services like variety stores, banks, post offices, clinics, etc. This is a disgusting piece of legislation which address the real housing crises in name only. Lire davantage

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the greenbelt belongs to future generations, not wealthy developers. no not allow it to be developed, keep it green. consult sovereign indigenous nations when threatening to sell their land. do the right thing.

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The use of greenbelt protected land is disgraceful. We are begging on government to continue to protect this land. It will not do anything to help the housing crisis. Please think instead about the land and preserving it for generations to come.

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I am so disturbed by the fact that Ford is not LISTENING to what the people of Ontario are saying! LEAVE the Greenbelt alone- it is not meant for development. How is Ontario going to survive with this government in power!

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There is a shortage of trades. Your act means houses built quickly and on the cheap by unqualified workers in environmentally sensitive areas. These houses will be garbage in no time - 10-15 years and the damage will have been done to the environments they were built in. Lire davantage