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There is no proof that these land swaps will provide equivalent environmental protection compared to what currently exists. If the government has evidence showing the efficacy of the land swaps, it should be made public before proposing such a scheme. Lire davantage

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Didn't you all promise to not touch the Greenbelt a few years ago? This blatant lying to the population -- the people you are elected to serve, I remind you -- is one of the many, many reasons why you saw the majority of the populace rise against you with that s.33 debacle. Lire davantage

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Why don't you limit Air BnB to only primary residence? That will force people to rent making more places available. Less people are using air BnB anyways because it's no longer the cheaper option with all the fees they've started to tack on. Lire davantage

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Please do not remove any trees or green for housing and buildings. Canada is experiencing record breaking highs for the month of November and it is due to Global Warming. Removing trees to build housing will only increase Global Warming. Lire davantage

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The plan seems to have been created to only help developers. The province should be looking at densification of existing areas rather than the destruction of existing greenspace

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The Greenbelt is vitally important to the health and safety of Ontario homeowners across Southern Ontario. Leave it alone. There's plenty of land outside the Greenbelt to build on instead.

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This is a terrible proposal. The Greenbelt is not a random selection of land that can be cut up and remain functional as a whole. The Greenbelt is a purposeful selection of land that forms a contiguous ecosystem that depends on all of its organs to function. Lire davantage

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It's a false narrative to assert that dealing with the housing shortage must come at the cost of the greenbelt. The value of the greenbelt is the specific areas it protects, it's not as simple as removing land here and adding it there. Lire davantage

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Do not touch the green belt, genuinely not sure why you keep coming back to this when the majority of Ontarians do not support residential development on the green belt. Do better.

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This is an absolutely disgusting misuse of power that will irreversibly harm the environment. We don’t need to hurt the green belt, we need politicians who are able to critically think and implement the better solutions that people have been providing them with. Lire davantage

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The usage of the greenbelt has many negative effects on Ontario and the environment as it is the only access to greenspace for most GTA residents Only available space for wildlife in the GTA Lire davantage

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Focus on densification within current urban boundaries. Farmland and wetlands are important. More suburban sprawl with million dollar single family homes are not going to solve the housing crisis. Do not allow for development on the greenbelt.

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Hello, Please do not develop the Greenbelt- the Greenspan that many be edited from physically, mentally and overall well-being. It's public value is priceless and will be for generations to come. Lire davantage