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I object to the destruction of our protected green space. There is plenty of land within urban boundaries that can be developed, and until that work has been completed, there is absolutely no reason to touch the green belt

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Terrible shortsighted idea to destroy a crucial environmental buffer. There are other places to build homes rather than go back on an election promise and build on important environmentally protected lands. Lire davantage

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I disagree with this because it breaks an election promise. I think if you were to put this proposal as a referendum to the people of ontario, you would not have support. Even a more cost effective way, such as polling, I don't think you'd have more than 50% of people supporting this proposal. Lire davantage

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There are so many reasons not to ruin the greenbelt. Destruction of significant wetlands, floodplain infringement, drinking water quantity/quality degradation. We don't need to use this space to make more suburban sprawl, we need to use the space we already have more effectively. Lire davantage

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I am quite concerned with the plan to develop on the Greenbelt, for multiple reasons. First and foremost, it is meant to be a permanent protected area. Developing on this area will disrupt: - Wildlife in the GTA - Greenspace that citizens in the GTA use, as a major quality of life need Lire davantage

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Good afternoon, To whom it may concern, I am commenting on record that I am vehemently opposed to the proposed developments of the Greenbelt. These lands were protected many years ago and I’m quite certain that developers have been lobbying governments to break into these lands ever since. Lire davantage

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Dipping into protected areas is NOT the way to solve the housing crisis. Soon as you take an inch, might as well wave goodbye to a clean, beautiful, desirable place to live Also: Housing Minister Steve Clark in Feb 21 2021 : Lire davantage

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It is my opinion that the proposed changes by the current government of Ontario would sow disastrous environmental consequences on the city of Toronto and larger region of southern Ontario. The greenbelt, including its forests and marshes, are ecological air and water filters. Lire davantage

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Hi, I am against this proposal. I do not want the green belt built over for housing due to loss of fertile land for food. We try and buy all our groceries from Canadian food sources (preferably Ontario) and this would decrease the amount available and increase already very high food prices.

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This is absolutely outrageous. Everything the Ford government has done since taking office has made the province worse. You are robbing the working people to enrich your friends, and now you’re destroying the long term viability of this province. For no reason. Lire davantage

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We cannot afford to destroy any more of the remaining natural areas in southern Ontario and the GTA. Please do not destroy any of the existing greenbelt. Find other solutions to the housing problem that do not involve the absolute destruction of the few remaining natural areas around the GTA. Lire davantage

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The integrity of the green belt in Ontario must be maintained to ensure future generations of Ontarians can enjoy clean air and water, and minimized impacts of climate change. Lire davantage

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In 2018 Mr. Ford promised the people of Ontario that the Greenbelt would stay in tact. As a house less Canadian, I’d rather the Greenbelt stay as is than be sold to developers that will build houses I can’t afford to buy anyway. Lire davantage

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Protect our greenbelt! It’s embarrassing in the era of climate change and weather catastrophe’s to think, ya know what would be great? If we built over all this protected green space! Lire davantage