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Destroying the Greenbelt is absolutely absurd. We should be focusing on densifying the areas we currently have rather than creating more single family homes with no amenities. Build up the Hamilton area and build allow more multifamily zoning in those areas. Lire davantage

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This policy is destroying the environment and ruining the quality for this and future generations as a result. Protected lands should be increased, not diminished. Lire davantage

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I don't support these changes. Allowing building on Green Belt areas will have negative effects on the environment (e.g., destruction of wetlands) and reduces our ability to mitigate climate change impacts (e.g., more frequent and severe floods that damage property). Lire davantage

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We do not need to remove land from the greenbelt in order to meet housing demand. There is plenty of infill development land within urban boundaries that has immediate access to servicing. Lire davantage

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This plan is not going to solve the housing affordability crisis in Ontario; it’s wrong-headed and merely puts more money in the pockets of real estate developers, not everyday Ontarian families who need a home. Lire davantage

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Using the current housing crisis is a shameful way of justifying bowing to the pressure of developers to create more urban sprawl in an area that has been designated as environmentally protected, for good reason. Lire davantage

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This whole proposal is completely ridiculous. All Doug Ford is concerned about is lining the pockets of his developer buddies. Unlike me and thousands of other like minded people who just ❤ nature and the out doors, Mr Ford obviously doesn't go for hikes in our beautiful green belt. Lire davantage

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I do not believe we should be building on protected land. The greenbelt is monumental to Ontario and is home to thousands of creatures in a balanced ecosystem. I believe there are better ways to address the current housing crisis.

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I'm just an average citizen hoping that my son has a great future in the GTA. I'm also a cyclist who enjoys cycling outside of the city. I also regularly hike the Bruce Trail and other hiking areas. Lire davantage

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The Housing Affordability Task Force's Report details plans for new housing that involve densification, not destroying farmland and green spaces. I feel that the Greenbelt development is unnecessary and harms our province's commitment to reducing our environmental impact. Lire davantage

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I oppose ALL development of the greenbelt. Please, please make decisions based on science and not the almighty dollar. I'm begging you to look at the bigger picture - think of your descendants and how you're ruining the earth for them.

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I think we need to increase the density of cities, not expand them. Cities with a lot of sprawl end up costing more money in maintenance in the long-term and it's fiscally responsible.

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The Greenbelt is a critical piece of Ontario's natural infrastructure. A large, contiguous Greenbelt provides flood protection and support ecological diversity in the region. It also acts as a barrier to sub-urban sprawl. Lire davantage

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As a millennial caught in the housing crisis, I vehemently oppose the proposed changes in Bill 23. The COVID pandemic showed us all how valuable our green space is to us. A refuge, a place to enjoy time with family or solitude, a soothing reprieve from the stress of our lives. Lire davantage

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Developing over the Green Belt is a disgusting and inappropriate plan - not only is it horrible for the environment, but it contributes to the growing problem of urban sprawl in the GTA. Lire davantage