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I think it is a disgusting abuse of power to allow developers to benefit by a quid pro quo with the government of Ontario to open the greenbelt to developers. This land, once developed, is gone forever. Lire davantage

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I do not support any of the recommendations that would remove lands from the Greenbelt Area, nor do I support the redesignating of lands in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan area. I do support adding lands in the Paris Galt Moraine to the Greenbelt Area. Lire davantage

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The municipalities in the affected area do not want this. There are better ways and better areas to develop housing. And destroying this land doesn't guarantee that Ontarians will have access to affordable housing anyway. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to this bill. Doug Ford promised not to develop the greenbelt. Now he has reneged on that promise. This bill appears to transfer development fees from the developers to the taxpayer, how dare they. I can' understand how a government can to this to the taxpayers. Lire davantage

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This bill will cost taxpayers money send will not result in more affordable housing. My city council unanimously voted against ut and even a local developer delegated that they don't need this bill. I am against it.

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As a voter in the province of Ontario I am very disappointed how Mr Ford has pushed through this bill to open up the Greenbelt areas to development without consultation. Lire davantage

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Housing should be built near amenities people need, not in the greenbelt. There is sufficient lands available for development without paving over our natural heritage. This mistake cannot be undone, only prevented. Build within our cities.

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Ontario is in the middle of a housing crisis, but encroaching farmlands and compromising environmentally sensitive land should not be the solution. The removal of protected land in one place and addition in another is problematic. Firstly, ecosystems do not adhere to lines on a map. Lire davantage

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Let’s build housing, let’s grow the economy — but we we cannot destroy any more of our natural heritage, wetlands and agricultural resources in doing so. Our economy and our people need the health, services and well-being these resources provide us all. Lire davantage

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I am completely opposed to this plan. Taking away any land from the Greenbelt is unacceptable when it’s protected and vital to our province. There are plenty of other places for development, you can go upwards in the GTA, no need to expand outwards. Lire davantage

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As a member of the public in the affected area, it seems pretty clear that the Ontario Government has overlooked what exactly people are looking for and instead pushing their own agenda by helping businesses to make more and more money without actually helping the population. Lire davantage

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Removing land from the Greenbelt is a terrible idea and should only be a last resort option. There are plenty of opportunities to build better within current city limits, and we should be changing the rules and red tape which prevent the development of dense city living. Lire davantage

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I am strongly against the proposal to open up the green belt to development. The green is an extremely sensitive and important area of land that should not be touched for housing or development under any circumstances. Lire davantage

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I am deeply disappointed with this change in policy direction and the change is n commitment that was made to the citizens of Ontario that the greenbelt would not be touched. Lire davantage

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Why are you disregarding the wishes of the people in the municipalities surrounding the Greenbelt? Hamiltonians voted to keep the greenbelt as is AND THE PROVINCE IS OVERRIDING THEIR AUTHORITY. This is unacceptable. Listen to the people. Lire davantage

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I am greatly concerned with the Ford government’s decision to develop land within the green belt. Green space is so vital within a community. It provides an area for water to go, for biodiversity to thrive, for water to be filtered and to have an area for local residents to enjoy nature. Lire davantage