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The Greenbelt has been fought for and protect by past governments and promised not to be touched by the current provincial government. It’s disturbing to think the Ford government will not stay true to their words & promises of not altering or changing the greenbelts boundaries and make-up!

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Protected Greenbelt is protected greenbelt...AFFORDABLE HOUSING can be made available on the plentiful land that IS currently designated for housing..PLEASE Stop the stealing of our protected lands Mr. Ford....Make the honorable move and keep your promise to the people and lands of Ontario

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I strongly oppose the building of houses on the green belt. I am also very concerned about the insider info that these developers received to buy the right land. The green belt is a precious piece of Ontario and is environmentally important and sensitive. And we need to preserve it. Lire davantage

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It is a bad idea to proceed. Taking this green space is not ok. Taking farm land is not ok. Farm land is needed for our future. Save the green space, build elsewhere. Green space protection is there for a reason

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I think that this project will greatly endanger the ecosystems within Ontario - all while in an attempt to decrease traffic loads and wait times by a mere few seconds or two. Lire davantage

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I am absolutely not in favor of the proposals outlined in bill 23. It is a short-sighted, I'll conceived notion to build on the greenbelt. This will negatively affect our ability to produce our own food, and on our headwaters. Lire davantage

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I’m against the development of the Greenbelt and believe this bill needs to be weighed out fully and carefully before irreversible damage is done to an area that should be protected. Some of the reasons I would cite: Lire davantage

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plans to develop the greenbelt are extremely disappointing to me, even as someone who sees the need for more housing among my peers. destruction of protected areas is mot the way to achieve this, especially when Mr Ford directly promised he would not do this exact thing. Lire davantage

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What the are you thinking?. Hands off the Greenbelt!!!! . Find another way to build more housing that does not use farmlands and wetlands. We cannot rely on food from other countries indefinitely. We need to be sustainable ourselves Where is respect for the land? Lire davantage

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STOP destroying the green belt!!!!!!!!!!!! You sold already the land to your sponsors before informing the public about your intentions to open the green belt. And stop blaming anybody else but for your move.

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Bill 23 is regressive policy in action. This bill will have significant, long term detrimental impacts to communities, municipalities, citizens and the environment. Ontario needs increased density within existing, democratically defined municipal boundaries. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to Re zoning of Ontario green space Doug Ford stated before the election he would not touch the land and now he is making up lies to do the opposite We see through theses lies