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Please do not go ahead with amendments to the greenbelt- it is a protected portion of land for the purposes of wildlife preservation and flood plain mapping, and "moving" it elsewhere will cause irreparable damage to ecosystems, as well as put new houses in danger once they are built.

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This is such an obviously bad idea, and a reversal of a campaign promise, that the Ford government should be ashamed of themselves. But I don't think they're capable of feeling shame.

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Please DO NOT destroy what little greenspace we have left, and just leave the Greenbelt alone. The Ford government already knows this project is a terrible idea for a variety of reasons. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford's government promised not to encroach on the Greenbelt. This reversal is terrible stewardship of our most precious resource; arable land. We must not leave nothing but concrete for our children. Lire davantage

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I am extremely concerned about the direction this government is going with relation to development within the green belt. I agree that housing is a problem in Ontario but we should not be expanding through the green belt. Lire davantage

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I believe that any reduction or reclassification of any part of the greenbelt for more suburban development severely compromises the integrity and intention of the greenbelt and would break longstanding commitments held by the current and previous goverments. Lire davantage

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Cutting into the environment is a horrible, short sighted way to combat the housing crisis. Putting a limit to AirBNB and tenancy will open up more homes for the public to actually live in, and won't impact our future genrations.

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The Greenbelt needs to be kept 100% intact for farming, clean water, and recreation. Once we lose it it is gone forever. You are using the housing price crisis as a cover to make developers rich. Try to think long term for once.

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Please PLEASE don’t waste our precious farmland in favour of enriching Ford’s cronies. The Greenbelt hosts important areas of food production that are crucial in continuing Ontario’s food security and provides clean air to the residents of the GTA. Lire davantage

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The green belt is an important ecological, geological and sociological important area of Ontario. Theses areas are important to our food production, to prevent flooding and provides recreation to thousands of people. Leave the green belt alone.

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This proposal is irresponsible and will not address the real needs of Ontarians. This land needs to be protected, and we need to build where there is already infrastructure instead of expanding sprawl and reliance on cars. Lire davantage

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I cannot stress how strongly opposed to this proposal I am. The provincial government promised to keep the Greenbelt untouched. We trusted this government to do so. Simply adding more acreage of protected lands will not undo the harm done to the Green Belt. Lire davantage

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Please preserve greenbelt. New housing should be built in already damaged areas, prioritazing the construction of condos, buildings, rather than townhouses that occupy much more space. It is ridiculous that cities in Ontario are mainly houses, instead of high buildings.