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Please do not remove the bike lanes. I commute by bike on Yonge St. from Yonge & Finch to Front and Bay. I relish the ride on Yonge from Davisville to downtown which has dedicated lanes and dread the ride from Finch to Lawrence as they are high traffic with narrower lanes.

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This entire bill is such a farce. Why is the province meddling with the city's bike lanes? Let the municipalities deal with the municipal issues. Lire davantage

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1. This proposal represents wasteful duplication of government and unnecessary incursion into municipal jurisdiction. The City of Toronto has a duly elected government that is perfectly capable of making decisions about its own roads. Lire davantage

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This is a bad idea. Business don't want it and if you get ride of bike some of the people who used them will start driving so traffic will get worse.

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As a Toronto-born citizen I disapprove of an effort that will add more congestion through the removal of a lane.

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I'm a daily user of the Bloor St. bike lanes and it would make it a lot less safe for me to get around if those lanes are removed. The Annex BIA says the bike lanes have helped the local businesses and the Deputy Fire Chief says that they don't negatively impact emergency response times. Lire davantage

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The move to eliminate some bike infrastructure by Premier Ford is absolutely insane on so many levels and using misleading figures to support that dangerous position is unethical at best, and worse will undoubtedly lead to preventable deaths on Toronto streets. Lire davantage

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This is simply a waste of taxpayer money. The city of Toronto is already unsafe for cyclists, and prioritizing more lanes for the already too many vehicles is a waste. This city does not need more cars!!!!! What it needs is safer conditions for cyclists, pedestrians and citizens who use transit. Lire davantage

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Traffic congestion in motor vehicles isn't caused by bicycles, it's caused by too many people choosing cars. Lire davantage

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Removing bike lanes is a mistake. Rather, we should solve gridlock by encouraging safe cycling, and making it more attractive to use public transit by making that more efficient and well-funded. We need more incentives to avoid driving and use more eco-friendly options. Lire davantage

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I have been a Toronto resident my whole life. I have lived from east to west. I love this city and I love how these bike lanes are connecting others and myself with the people I know and places I go. Lire davantage

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This is terrible. I support more biking infrastructure, not less. This will only make traffic worse.

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My grandfather died on a bike because the street had no bike lanes - bike lanes are life saving. Lire davantage

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The only way to reduce gridlock is to reduce the number of cars on the roads. Mathematically there is no other way with the fixed amount of space available in the city for transportation. Lire davantage

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This is a very very bad idea - with no consideration for the work the city has already done, the data which should inform the decision, and the cost of destroying already existing infrastructure. Lire davantage

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As a resident of Etobicoke Centre I support keeping bike lanes. Not only is this waste of financial resources to knock them down, this is hurtful to local business and goes against all urban planning an transportation economics research regarding bike lanes and driving. Lire davantage

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The absence of a separated bicycle lane on any road forces riders to use the same lane as other vehicle traffic, and, since bicycles are considered vehicles, riders are allowed to use the entirety of a given lane - just as a car would. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose the removal of existing bike lanes in Toronto! Attention should be on improving the subway, encouraging more drivers off the road and encouraging alternative modes of transportation rather than driving. Lire davantage

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I immigrated to canada because of its clear weather, water please go green save eco system by reducing all types of pollution. Air and sound emissions are increasing at alarming rate please switch to bicycles for shorter commutes please add more bike lanes to every province highways

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I do not agree with the proposed bill. In regards to the Yonge-Bloor lanes, it will remove bike lanes that provide easy transit for many and further encourage eco-friendly travel both of which are essential for our society to develop in a better direction for all. Lire davantage