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Variety village benefits from the community use provisions contained within the contract. Variety village is a charity that helps children with a disability and the sign advertises our charity at no cost to the charity. Lire davantage

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To the largest extent possible there should be a ban on third party advertising on highways in Ontario. Any signs should be limited to road information and introductions to towns and villages. [Original Comment ID: 205074]

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I am strongly opposed to additional advertising proliferation near Ontario highways. The ad blight around the Gardiner Expressway is a good example of what should not happen. Its a mess. Lire davantage

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Hi truest dislike driving in the states with so many billboard ads. I want to be able to have my children and theirs look out while on road trips and see the beauty of Ontario, not billboards. Let's enjoy what nature gave us. [Original Comment ID: 205094]

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I strongly urge you to ban digital billboards. This is my first and foremost reason why I am participating in this call for input. They merely exist as a way to district drivers, contributing to the leading cause of highway fatalities, and are the epitome of visual pollution. Lire davantage

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Dear MTO, Safety is paramount to all Ontarians and to the MTO. If we want to seriously address a leading casue of death and injury on Ontario Highways, we must do everything possible to make our roads safer. One death is too many. And we have far more than just one death. Lire davantage

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Billboards along the highways are distracting and unsafe, we want people's eyes on the road and this flies in the face of all the province's messages about distracted driving. Distracted driving is fine as long as people are making money off of it. Is that the message? Lire davantage

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Along busy corridors such as the 401 there are already enough distractions, especially with increased traffic flow and the higher speeds that people typically travel at. In less busy areas, there are wildlife dangers to contend with. Lire davantage

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Billboards will damage our tourism, provincial self-worth, and be a terrible counterpoint to the government's messages about distracted driving. [Original Comment ID: 205154]

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I do not believe that the sides of our highways should be cluttered up with third party advertising. We have enough visual pollution to deal with as it is. [Original Comment ID: 123455]

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I feel that there are certain places where advertising along the highways would be fine, and other places where it really doesn't belong. For example, it would be a shame to add billboards to beautiful rural highways and scenic drives. Lire davantage

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I am strongly against third party advertising along Ontario highways. We live in one of the most beautiful places on earth so we shouldn't block it out with advertising. On top of that it is distracting and the last thing anyone needs is more distractions while driving. Lire davantage

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Unlike some jurisdictions, Ontario's highways remain relatively unblighted by billboards. Ontario's landscape is subtle and under appreciated in Canada, where where more dramatic features (oceans! mountains!) tend to get the attention. Lire davantage

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I believe our provincial highways should remain free of distracting visual clutter. I do not support the introduction of any third party advertising along provincial highways. Lire davantage