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Any mapping using MNR land use mapping or delineated built-up areas should be updated to 2018/2019 when conducting the methodology. Lire davantage

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The •The Methodology should include a definitions or glossary section •Providing standardized electronic forms in excel or similar format •Providing an online resource to supplement the Methodology document with access to additional resources: Lire davantage

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February 28, 2018 Aidan Grove-White Manager Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing needs to be clearly articulated. Lire davantage

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February 28, 2018 Aidan Grove-White Manager Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing needs to be clearly articulated. Lire davantage

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February 28, 2018 Aidan Grove-White Manager Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing , yet Growth Plan policies also direct growth within the settlement areas to areas with existing or planned transit, with a priority on higher order transit. Lire davantage

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My issue is who will such a assessment process reconcile itself with the interests of First Nations? Lire davantage

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Re: Proposed Methodology for Land Needs Assessment for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (EBR # 013-2016) Dear Mr. Grove-White: Lire davantage

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Re: Proposed Methodology for Land Needs Assessment for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (EBR # 013-2016) Dear Mr. Grove-White: Lire davantage