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28 September 2018 Sent via Courier and E-mail Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Municipal Services Division Municipal Services Office - Central Ontario 777 Bay Street, Floor 13 Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Attention: The Honourable Steve Clark Dear Minister Clark: Re:EBR Registry Number: 013-3483 (

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28 September 2018 Sent via Courier and E-mail Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Municipal Services Division Municipal Services Office - Central Ontario 777 Bay Street, Floor 13 Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Attention: The Honourable Steve Clark Dear Minister Clark: Re:EBR Registry Number: 013-3483 (

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Information is huge. For the layperson its tough. My reference I will try and keep it super simple. 1) Affordability to me is not up front in the reams of information provided. Workers who can not afford to live in the City must be connected to come in and out. Congestion is real.

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I am writing in string support of the TOcore plan. Many years of consultations from residents and experts have lead to an important document outlining the critical areas of concern and opportunity for Toronto's development.

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TOcore is a vital plan that will guide the overall growth and health of downtown Toronto. It is a plan that was devised with input from community and industry stakeholders.

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I believe that it is very important to maintain the existing, mostly low-rise urban structures in the core area around the city's heart: Queen's Park.

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I would like to voice my support for By-law 1111-2018, the TOCore Downtown Secondary Plan. It is not perfect, but it is very needed to support Toronto's continued development and success.

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I fully support the TOcore Study and Official Plan Ammendment 406. For the last few decades urban development has been increasing with no cohesive plan. I live in the middle of it and watch the destruction of downtown neighbourhoods every day. We need to stop this.

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How SPECIFICALLY does the Province propose to reconcile the very strictly prescribed, minimum %age and sizes of 2-BR and 3-BR requirements with the affordability issue?

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I am a longtime resident of downtown Toronto. I am in support of the TOCore plan. I have seen the difference a comprehensive plan makes in creating vibrant, live able, and economically strong communities.

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I am a private citizen, I represent to special interests or organizations. To me the TOcore plan is an important guiding document as we struggle to find the right mix of personal, commercial and public use in our downtown.

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I fully support the recommendations of the TOcore study. In particular, TOcore will stimulate infrastructure improvements that will support the increase in downtown walking that we have witnessed in the present decade.

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It is gratifying to see an integrated long term vision for Toronto’s downtown core. As a resident of the Toronto core and a vehicle driver as well as a pedestrian. .

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Please endorse TOCore and it’s 25-year plan/vision for downtown Toronto. This proposal aims to protect cultural and environmental essentials for a vibrant and healthy downtown.

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