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Bravo to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF) for supporting the UNESCO 2016 recognition of falconry as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Lire davantage

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Thank you for this opportunity. I have a friend who is a very good falconer and I would like to strongly support this new legislation.

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These are wild animals and should not ever be taken from the wild for some human’s “sport”.

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The wild take program has been a staple of falconry going back to its very conception, and hugely enhances the activity by solidifying the bond with nature. Lire davantage

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This is the most insane proposal. Licensed falconers do not need to live capture wild raptors. They can and should breed there own. (Mind you I am totally against falconry). Some raptors have enough problems to overcome without some idiot capturing them. Lire davantage

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I wish to applaud the MNRF for the proposal to expand the capture of specific wild raptors aw well as allowing a limited number of Northern Goshawks to be used for falconry. I fully support this proposal. Lire davantage

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Hello As a falconer my entire life 50yrs , find it very strange that the PF has an opposition to this after years of falconers helping them in the past . The wat that falconers go about collecting birds via harvesting is one of the oldest ways we know . Lire davantage

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This expanditure of the wild take system would be paramount to ensuring further success of all new apprentices who are on their way to becoming falconers, and even more experienced falconers. Lire davantage

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Falconry has been practiced since ancient times and across the world bringing traditions and people together. It would be beneficial to allow wild take of falconry raptors to continue with those traditions. Lire davantage

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I oppose the taking of wild animals for use in sport. Ontario must protect its indigenous wildlife. It is highly stressful to take wild animals - from the wild - and keep them in captivity. The new PAWS legislation should be taken into consideration in terms of animal welfare. Lire davantage

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In your proposal you suggest that falconry has a neutral impact on wild populations. I would like to suggest that falconry has a positive impact by acting as ambassadors for raptors. Many raptors are shot annually, many by hunters. Lire davantage

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REALLY!! In this day and age can we not leave these raptors to enjoy the freedom of the wild? Why does mankind think they have the right to remove these beautiful creatures from their natural habitat for their personal gain. It just isn't right. Lire davantage

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Falconers have for thousands of years been on the forefront of conservations of birds of prey as it is inextricably intertwined with the sport. Expanded take will mean expanded conservation and education for and of these raptors. Lire davantage

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The use of our wildlife and natural resources is a privilege that we should never take lightly. We should strive to make sure whatever we take, even temporarily from the natural world is ethical and sustainable. Lire davantage

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Is the illegal wildlife trade to become MNRF policy under Ontario’s Conservative government? Lire davantage

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It looks like you have a very sound wildlife management program. Thank you for considering expanding the wild take of raptors to include the peregrine. Lire davantage