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The Bruce Trail Conservancy

Statut du commentaire

The Bruce Trail Conservancy (BTC) crosses through the watersheds of 7 different Conservation Authorities (CAs) and maintains a productive relationship with all of them. Lire davantage

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1. I'm very concerned about a non-elected body writing regulations. They are not accessible by the public and cannot be called to account for excesses. Regulations must be approved by an elected body - ie, the Ontario government - so that I can vote for or against them. Lire davantage

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Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority

Statut du commentaire

This information is provided on behalf of Brian Horner, General Manager/Secretary Treasurer, Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority. Part 1: Proposed Municipal Levies Regulation Background- Municipal Levy Framework Lire davantage

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The Corporation of the City of London

Statut du commentaire

Please see attached table of comments summitted by the Corporation of the City of London. Lire davantage

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Kettle Creek Conservation Authority

Statut du commentaire

Please see attached letter from the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority Board of Directors. Lire davantage

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Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters

Statut du commentaire

Subject: ERO # 019-4610 Regulatory and policy proposals (Phase 2) under the Conservation Authorities Act Lire davantage

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The City of Guelph

Statut du commentaire

The City of Guelph (City) appreciates the opportunity to comment on proposed regulations under the Conservation Authorities Act (CAA) related to municipal levies, user fees, and the Conservation Authority (CA) budgeting process. Lire davantage

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Region of Peel

Statut du commentaire

On behalf of the Regional Municipality of Peel, please see the attached document which contains comments on ERO #019-4610. Lire davantage

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City of Owen Sound

Statut du commentaire

Please find attached Staff Report CS-22-021 which includes the City's comments on Phase 2 of the proposed regulations under the Conservation Authorities Act. Please note that these comments are scheduled to be considered by Owen Sound City Council on February 28, 2022. Lire davantage

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Commentaire fait au nom

Conservation Ontario

Statut du commentaire

Please find attached Conservation Ontario's comments on “Regulatory and policy proposals (Phase 2) under the Conservation Authorities Act" (ERO#019-4610). Conservation Ontario thanks the Province for the opportunity to provide feedback on this proposal. Lire davantage

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Ontario Federation of Agriculture

Statut du commentaire

On behalf of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, please find attached our submission with respect to ERO 019-4610 (Regulatory and policy proposals (Phase 2) under the Conservation Authorities Act. Thank you. Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire

Smaller municipalities don't feel heard in terms of changes being made to conservation areas. It seems that these areas are gradually being taken over so that higher levels of government can do as they wish with the space - exerting more control over what should remain natural and untouched. Lire davantage

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Commentaire fait au nom

Grand River Conservation Authority

Statut du commentaire

Grand River Conservation Authority Report number: GM-02-22-15 Date: February 25, 2022 To: General Membership of the Grand River Conservation Authority Subject: Conservation Authorities Act Amendments - Phase 2 Regulations Recommendation: Lire davantage

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Wellington Source Water Protection

Statut du commentaire

In the consultation materials and during the webinar, Ministry staff stated that the proposed changes do not affect provincial source protection funding. The statement in the consultation guide is anticipated to not impact funding. Lire davantage