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This is an incredibly dangerous and careless piece of legislation. The green belt is vital to biodiversity and ecology in Ontario. I am infuriated at this government for back tracking on their promise to not touch the green belt in 2018. Lire davantage

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I vehemently oppose the proposal for a housing development on the Greenbelt. This is habitat that needs to be preserved. Additionally, it is in direct contradiction to Ford’s previous position that his government would protect the greenbelt.

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Keep the existing Green Belt in place. Land farther afield would not replace the benefit to having actual green land close to the GTA. More development closer to the GTA would further increase the congestion and be a negative impact on the area. Lire davantage

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We cannot go back on promises to not develop the greenbelt. Once we start developing the greenbelt, there are no signs we will stop. This would be catastrophic for the environment. Do not do this.

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I am a resident of Ontario and absolutely opposed to removal of land from the green belt. We need to build within our existing footprint. Constant expansion is unsustainable both in terms of cost of services and the environment. Lire davantage

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The proposed amendments to the Greenbelt are not something I support as an Ontarian. There should not be a reason whatsoever to cut into protected land. Premier Ford promised to not develop on the Greenbelt and now he is going back on his word. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely ridiculous. There is no need to expand housing into the green belt. There are plenty of opportunities to invite Canadians and build homes in our cities and towns without affecting our green space. Lire davantage

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!! Please don’t develop the Greenbelt !! It plays a vital role in climate resiliency, the local economy, drinking water quality, restricting urban sprawl, reducing flood risk, and providing green spaces for communities to explore. Lire davantage

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I am completely against opening the greenbelt to building houses. This government promised that the greenbelt would not be touched, and they have absolutely gone back on their word. The municipalities of the province have ideas that can help with the housing crisis. Lire davantage

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This is disgusting. What’s the point of land being designated as “protected” if developers are allowed to buy it out (ahead of time nonetheless, because they knew this would happen)? Lire davantage

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Doug Ford is a liar and there is video evidence of him saying he would never touch the green belt. He has mismanaged every aspect of his job as premier, and is an embarrassment. Lire davantage

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The green belt is meant to be protected. Uprooting wildlife and destroying the little green space we still have would be disastrous. Please protect our land and not let greed ruin it.