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How dare our elected officials run on one thing ( protecting our greenbelt) and then quietly try to destroy it with the distraction of a crumbling healthcare system, partnered with gutting the CUPE workers? While padding the pockets of your wealthy friends. Lire davantage

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I do not support the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan because there is sufficient land within existing urban boundaries of the GTA to accommodate projected growth. Lire davantage

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I am profoundly against opening the Greenbelt and the Oak Ridges Moraine area for development in any capacity. This proposal goes against the intention of the Greenbelt while not doing much to address the crisis it claims to solve. Lire davantage

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This is a horrific and potentially devastating proposal especially considering this government has not shown good faith in protecting our natural environment. This is not a real solution, this is a gross misuse of power which is reflective of the current government. Lire davantage

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Once you develop on protected land you can never get it back. The green belt is an important piece of Ontario culture and must be preserved. There is no shortage of land already zoned that can be developed, there is no need to destroy the green belt. Lire davantage

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Due to the on going climate changes and climate hardship we face as a nation, and as human, I personally disagree with the proposal of developing the “green belt”, it’ll worsen the situation further then it needs to be, we need to be more responsible with how we treat the only place we call home, an Lire davantage

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Doug Ford's plan to build on the greenbelt is wrong and proof that his word has no integrity. Future generations deserve green spaces and there is lots of room for development in the northern 2/3rds of the province, which desperately need the growth. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford said that he would not do this and he should not do this. Doug Ford was not elected to a second term was not because Ontarians want the Greenbelt developed. Lire davantage

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This government promised us they would not touch the greenbelt. There are so many dead plazas that could use redevelopment . Go after those. Leave the greenbelt alone. And keep your promises already .

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The remaining greenbelt must be protected. It's currently November 11th and it's been 16+ degrees outside for weeks. At what point watching our climate breakdown do we finally decide we shouldn't make things worse. Lire davantage

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The remaining greenbelt must be protected. It's currently November 11th and it's been 16+ degrees outside for weeks. At what point watching our climate breakdown do we finally decide we shouldn't make things worse. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford promised he wouldn't build on the green belt. After the election he now plans to do the thing he said he wouldn't. The green belt is very important for ontarios environment, I know conservatives don't care about the environment but I do. Lire davantage

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Do not ruin our green belt, it’s protected for a reason, it is not your land to take and put a highway on or build on. Wildlife and important ecosystems can not and should not be disturbed for money and the financial gain of the rich! I am against this and do not want to see this happen!

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Opening up the Green Belt is absolutely disgusting. Doug Ford and his developer buddies need to be stopped. You cannot imagine the harm that these developers could do without restriction on where they can build.