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We dont need to build more houses, we need to make the exuberant rent prices affordable so the half empty buildings in our city can house people reasonably. Disrupting an entire ecosystem of protected land benefits no one.

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Proposing development along the Greenbelt shows that this Conservative government is not committed to the wellbeing of the people living in this province. The Greenbelt provides a much needed space for agriculture and low-density living. Lire davantage

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I am not in favour of the plan to build on the greenbelt. Ontario needs low income housing, not large homes. There is absolutely no need to take & use this precious land. Focus should instead be put on infilling in already developed areas to provide housing where people need it.

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As a born and raised citizen of Ontario, I am distraught by this blatant disregard for the will of the people. Ford said he would not touch the greenbelt because he knew that a majority of Ontario is against it. We do not want the green belt changed. We do not want it built on. Lire davantage

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I do not support the use of the green belt for new homes being built. There are many alternative routes which are not being looked at. There are currently office buildings and condos sitting empty in Toronto. There is also the entire northern province of Ontario which is underfunded and forgotten. Lire davantage

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We need our green belt more than we need a stupid highway and more unaffordable homes. Destroying it would be so irresponsible. Repurpose what is already available and leave it alone!

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I believe that the green belt should remain untouched. Not only is it an important environmental land mass in Ontario, it’s a precious source of fresh water and thriving ecosystem of natural wildlife. This is a natural wonder in our ever chaotic world. Lire davantage

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These areas are protected for a reason. We will cease to be Canada and Ontario if this is taken away. Taking nature and conservation away from my children and from future generations is deplorable. Build up, use buildings no longer needed for commercial purposes. Get creative. Lire davantage

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As a resident of Ontario since birth I have always been proud of our green belt. The protected green area is home to a wide variety of species and a beautiful balance is maintained. I am against the removal of any green space protected under the previous act that is being proposed by this bill. Lire davantage

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Please do not do this to our Green Belt. Hamilton fought to stop the urban sprawl. We need our lands, we need our wildlife, trees and plants. All this talk about climate change and how bad it is, taking this land to develop it, would be horrific for the environment. Lire davantage

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I do NOT support the proposal to remove or redesignate 15 areas of land totaling approximately 7,400 acres from the edge of the Greenbelt Area that are serviced or adjacent to services and to be used to build housing. Lire davantage

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I do not agree with disturbing the greenbelt. There are plenty of vacant buildings around to repurpose. Don't be so selfish as to steal this precious resource from our children and grand children.

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The proposal to develop the green belt is short sighted and goes again the real needs of Ontarian’s. We are dependent upon plant and animal species for survival and destroying this land 1) during a climate crisis and 2) while half of Toronto sits empty is ludicrous. Lire davantage

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I would rather see the future of our children in a better state than what's being set up for them. Why not repurpose some of the older buildings that we already have that aren't being used for future developments. Lire davantage