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This government stated they wouldn’t touch the Greenbelt and lied. This is a complete breach of trust. I (and whomever I know) will never vote Conservative again if this goes through.

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I do not support this proposal. With climate change now happening at a faster pace, we need to be thinking about how to repurpose buildings. Overall, limiting our waste and emissions by using existing infrastructure. Lire davantage

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This land is protected for a reason, we need homes but not here, people want to live in the city There are old buildings that can be fixed up There are big homes with elder people give them the money to renovate to make their home a multi level home. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford was voted into office stating he would protect the Greenbelt. We need this land for agriculture and to protect the headlands of our local river ecosystems. These rivers feed Lake Ontario and naturally filter the water to keep it clean. Lire davantage

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Wouldn’t building on the greenbelt potentially cause us to contaminate our fresh water system and potentially cause flooding in the area. Not to mention destroying the homes of our wildlife, and potentially the 78 species of plants and animals that are at risk of extinction.

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Mr. Ford, In the very recent past, you have stated that you have heard and listened to the people of Ontario. You promised that you wouldn't touch the Greenbelt. You promised that you wouldn't bring harm to this ecologically delicate area of our province. Lire davantage

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Housing is not needed along the Green Belt. It is protected for a reason. There are plenty of vacant buildings in the GTA (and other regions in Ontario) that can and should be repurposed into the low-cost housing that is actually needed. Lire davantage

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I do not encourage or support the development of the greenbelt. We are at a critical point to protect our current biodiversity and green spaces and we Ontarians cannot afford to lose this space. Lire davantage

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This would be one of the worst things that could happen to Ontario. Not only does it go against everything Doug Ford has promised but it also will have serious impacts on climate change and reducing our carbon emissions to zero. Lire davantage

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Developing along the Greenbelt will destroy wetlands, animals and wildlife. This proposal should not pass. Doug Ford made a promise to the people of Ontario that he would not touch the Greenbelt.

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I do not support the development of ANY Greenbelt land. The Greenbelt is a sanctuary for those that live in urban locations. The Greenbelt should remain off limits as promised. It is obvious what you are trying to do by slipping in these changes then downplaying the effects of what you are doing. Lire davantage

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Urban sprawl is not the answer to the housing crisis. This will have a negative impact on our already stressed and diminishing wildlife populations that have to deal with issues related to development including loss of habitat and habitat segregation. Lire davantage

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These lands have been protected for a reason, and are not interchangeable or replaceable. There are other lands available for housing development – use those. We can find a balance between meeting the need for more affordable housing, and protecting our environment. Lire davantage