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Please don't expand onto the greenbelt. It's supposed to be protected for a reason. Don't force this onto people who do not want it, that's not the purpose of government. The people will always have a stronger say.

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Do Not Touch the Greenbelts!!! We’ve already destroyed so many homes for wildlife. And then we complain that they are coming into the subdivisions. Well where are they suppose to go if we keep taking their homes away!?! Where is our food suppose to come from if we keep destroying farmland?! Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making. I am particularly concerned about the: Lire davantage

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I am against developing Greenbelt land. The environment is precious and we need to protect it. Greenbelt land allows vegetation to trap CO2, is home to many species of animals, and provides green space for residents to enjoy. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose any development in the green belt. I live in Hamilton, just off Barton street. A street where there are more run down old buildings then open thriving ones. We could revitalize neighborhoods like mine by renovating these existing spaces. Lire davantage

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Please do not amend the current legislation regarding this matter. Just because the federal government is mandating Ontario build an extremely high amount of housing within a short time frame, this does not mean Ontario has to give up already allotted greenspace.

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This is absurd! There is so much land in Ontario, why develop protected land? So we can congest already congested areas? Where there are not enough roads, schools, and stores? Disgusting that this could possibly even be considered.

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Killing endangered species, destroying habitats and covering fertile land with subdivisions is only moving the human race closer to its end. Ford and his pals are the ones benefiting from destroying the Green Belt.

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PLEASE SAVE THE GREENBELT ITS OURS FUTURE! * We need your help to stop the Ford Government proceeding with this terrible proposal. * I am writing to express my strong opposition to allowing Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan And it’s impact… Lire davantage

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This is the cheapest, most thoughtless way to develop housing in our great province. If the goal is to reduce our wonderful natural spaces while developing mediocre, sparse sprawl without any character— building in the greenbelt is the best solution. Lire davantage

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I do not approve of changing the use of green belt land. I do not believe the government would use this area for sustainable/affordable housing, which is what is urgently needed to resolve the housing crisis in Ontario. Lire davantage

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This is shocking and disgusting nepotism and corruption. Promises made? Not touching the green belt? And the thing is, just like the notwithstanding clause, you are narcissistic enough to think you will get away with this. You will not. The people have had it.