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TFG Developments

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Hello, My name is Brent Foley, a developer in Oshawa. Why are you not opening the white belt rather than the greenbelt?? This decision has a lot of council and builders in the Oshawa area in awe! Lire davantage

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When is enough enough?!? Why does GREEDY government get to destroy our country to line their own pockets?!! WE CAN'T IN GOOD FAITH LET THIS DESTRUCTION TO OUR GREEN SPACE HAPPEN!!!

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Stop destroying our futures! Using up the greenbelt is NOT the way to build housing or infrastructure. The lands that are protected need to STAY protected. You can't use change boundaries and expect people to be ok with it. There are much better ways to build towards a green future. Lire davantage

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This proposal is wrong on so many levels—it will only provide a fraction of the homes it claims but will absolutely ravage the protections intended to preserve and other ecologically sensitive areas for perpetuity. Lire davantage

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Legislation in this vein would be a remarkable step back for the province of Ontario and would only encourage more Ontarians to leave at the soonest opportunity. A suitable substitute to address housing issues would be to utilize already developed areas that are unused or inefficiently used. Lire davantage

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I beg you not to do this. Terrible idea. I am sure many others will attach scientific information and provide many logical reasons against the changes. But I feel this government does not care about logic, reason, and basic human decency. Lire davantage

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Please do not do this. It’s reprehensible. Don’t blame this need on immigrants. Immigrants need to live in densely populated areas (cities and downtowns) not suburbs with limited transit. Lire davantage

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Maintaining the greenbelt is crucial to fighting climate change. It is short sighted decisions like developing the greenbelt that have put us in a climate crisis, and made life more difficult for the future generations. Lire davantage

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The proposal to remove and use land for development throughout Ontario's greenbelt is UNACCEPTABLE. The premier promised he would not develop or remove land on our green belt. We need to protect our ecosystems! Enough is enough.

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NO! Do not build on precious land that will help the environment, climate and the future human species. This will damage and accelerate the health of the natural habitat and humans alike.

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This is totally stupid idea. Greenbelt are great for the environment especially in a time where we need the Earth to be green. I dont approve of this at all. This idea should be scrapped and the greenbelt should be left untouched

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I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making. I am particularly concerned about the: Lire davantage

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Doug Ford is destroying Ontario healthcare, education and environment. We must stop his plans to make himself and his developer buddies richer by building unaffordable housing in the green belt. This will not fix the housing crisis. Lire davantage

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Build homes to benefit my developer buddies faster. Never mind that the greenbelt was designated a ... um... greenbelt. If only calling this government unprincipled were considered an insult by them. Built the highway. Setup the greenbelt for development. Lire davantage

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I vehemently oppose these proposed amendments to Ontario’s Greenbelt Plan. I am incredibly disheartened by Premier Doug Ford’s decision break his promise to Ontarians that the Greenbelt will not be touched. Lire davantage

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Ontario needs densification, not to grow outward. Cutting into the greenbelt is not a long term solution to our housing issues. It would be better to set densification mandates on cities than to force them to pave over ecologically unique and environtally critical greenspaces. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt should not be touched; it houses essential and protected species and houses many others. It is important to all Ontarians and is important to the Algonquin nation. Lire davantage