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The Greenbelt should not be developed on. It should be protected. Ford promised it would not be developed on. He is lying this needs to change. Do better for your constituents and not your “friends”.

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I am totally against Highway 413 and the irreparable damage it will cause to the delicate ecosystems of the green belt and Ontario water system. It is 2022 and the global climate emergency is upon us NOW! Why are even discussing such a private enterprise, profit driven, not planet driven idea??? Lire davantage

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Voters do not support Doug Ford's plan to destroy the green belt. I am strongly opposed to the building of hwy 413 and am appalled at this government's lack of care for our environment and our people.

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Hello, It terrifies and astounds me that in the midst of a climate crisis, our province is considering the destruction of a significant portion of Ontario’s most important agricultural lands. Lire davantage

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This is an appalling proposal. This was protected land for a just reason. The wildlife is continuing to die for growth for the sake of growth. These policies will reduce the health of Ontario even more so, and it’s something I will not accept. Lire davantage

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Do not remove lands from the green belt. The lands in it represent a full and completed ecosystem, with wildlife corridors in between and adjoining them. You can’t replace an ecosystem once it is lost. Also running more utilities longer distances will cost more in the long run to maintain. Lire davantage

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Our municipality is already being way over developed with absolutely no supporting infrastructure. It is absolutely horrible to even consider using green belt land to do more of this narrow minded, short sighted building. Not to mention Doug Ford promised not to touch these lands. Lire davantage

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The only changes that should be made to the existing greenbelt is to expand and protect it. We are quickly getting to the point of no return with climate change, the only actions that are appropriate is to protect what we have.

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NO on changing the greenbelt, ignoring local wishes, and building on flood plains. This isn't where we need the houses, we need them where the jobs and infrastructure is. We NEED our farmland and to protect our environment.

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The Greenbelt should be preserved. We need greenspaces and conservation areas now more than ever with the increase of the effects of climate change. Do not start developing on the Greenbelt.

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Do not pave over our greenbelt. This is a decision that will lead to further removal of greenbelt lands - as has each decision made prior. No need to backup with documentation, a map can clearly show this to anyone.

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This proposal is not only foolish it should be criminal. We should be intensifying population in already developed land and not in essential green space. Zoning restrictions should be hanged to allow mixed usage and higher density residential areas.