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It’s unfortunate that in the veil of needed “emergency building”, with the highest level of immigration and with government spending causing inflation and increased costs, requires us to accept the rezoning of important Greenland. Lire davantage

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This is an attack on the environment and on democracy. The PCs were re-elected on the premise that you would not open the Greenbelt for development. You have lost my vote. Lire davantage

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In my opinion this is an appalling idea. We should be making all efforts to protect this piece of land, the wilderness that inhabits it and the natural beauty and health is possesses. This is not just a piece of land, it is a sanctuary for our wildlife and old growth and needs to be preserved. Lire davantage

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I am an Ontario resident. This is a lazy solution that destroys wildlife and their habitat. We don't need to be making poor decisions like this that affect the environment in a negative way. How about tabling legislation that limits people to owning no more than 3 homes in Ontario? Lire davantage

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The greenbelt was designated as protected land for a reason. This is a transparently lazy, shortsighted, and cheap solution to the housing crisis that doesn’t address the issue of affordability in urban centres and further forces people in poverty to rely on personal cars. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is an important home for many animals that have already been impacted by the ongoing urbanization in Ontario. Removing another home from them is extremely detrimental and we need to keep these natural spaces open for them. Lire davantage

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Hands off the greenbelt! Municipalities have stated that they do NOT need more land zoned for development. Suburban sprawl is not the answer to housing needs given the lack of infrastructure in addition to the environmentally sensitive areas being proposed for building. Lire davantage

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This proposal is both harmful and unnecessary. We need to be protecting our wetlands and farmlands. Work on legislation that expedites the building of land already allocated for development. End corporate ownership of housing. Do better.

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I strongly oppose developing any areas in thr green belt. Those areas were established to provide and protect environmentally sensitive habitats for many species of fish, wildlife and plants. Lire davantage

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I don't think this is a good idea. I understand and sympathize even empathize with the desire for more affordable homes. However, I don't think this is the way because it's in direct conflict with protecting sensitive lands. Lire davantage

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This proposal for development is a bad idea. The greenbelt provides 9 billion dollars a year of economic benefits. The watershed will be affected. Needed farmland will be affected. Food security is a growing conern. The development is a conflict of interest for Doug Ford.

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Iam an RN. Iam opposed go Doug Ford's proposed ammendment to the Greenbelt plan. We do not have the infrastructure in place to support continued building with respects to Healthcare, schools, churches Etc. Lire davantage

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This proposal is a mistake. Once gone, the green belt will be greatly missed. I understand people want to live in the area but A. There are still development areas inside already built-up locations B. Not everyone gets to live where they want Lire davantage

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Please take action to protect our green belt area in Ontario. We value protection of our green areas more than the questionable and unprovable benefits that a new highway might provide beyond lining the pockets of Doug Ford friendly rich patrons.

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In 2018 Ford made an election promise not to open up the greenbelt for development. Extremely disappointed to see them backtrack on this promise. This would set a dangerous precedent. Developing on the greenbelt is not necessary to solve the housing crisis. Lire davantage

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In 2022 have we not grasped that we need innovative housing developments and not the archaic format we keep falling back on? If we keep taking away green space, our cities will suffer from flash flood, our farmlands will dry up from drought, and so on and so on. Lire davantage

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The green belt area and its surrounding areas are not in parts of Ontario where there are as many housing issues. The areas around the moraine are already middle to high income areas where the families have a luxury of travel to and from places such as their places of work. Lire davantage

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I am against the proposal to open up for housing in the protected Greenbelt in the Greater Toronto Area. Doug ford, stop destroying environment and people’s life. Lire davantage